Saturday, September 8, 2012
Newspaper Advertising - Advantages Revealed
The multitude of advertising vehicles available these days has made it difficult for many advertisers to distribute their advertising budgets. From traditional advertising to interactive newspaper web-based advertising, the opportunities for advertisers are endless. A healthy combination of these and other advertising media is ultimately the best approach for a successful campaign. However, lately the pessimists of newspaper ads have started to gather attention. Let me refresh your memory about the benefits of continuous advertising in the newspapers.
Newspapers have been arriving at the doors of American homes since the early 1700's. This is more than 300 years of the nascent romance between American consumers and their loved newspapers. Lee Clow, Chairman and Global Head of TBWA \ Worldwide, said: "The Newspaper, is a special vehicle. It is not urgent, not yesterday or tomorrow but today. Sitting with a newspaper and a cup of coffee in the morning will always be one of most intimate media experiences there is. "The title of this article," Newspaper Advertising Benefits Revealed ... "so ... when will the benefits be proved? I am getting to that! The newspaper has built its reputation as a reliable source of information, this is true not only for his articles, but for the ads is provided as well. Every newspaper has individual guidelines and restrictions that must be met by each advertiser. This is not always the case with the truckload of advertisers who place ads on the web. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people and companies that are able to serve ads on various websites without undergoing any type of screening. Consumers can continue to feel safe knowing that advertising that make it to the press have been checked and approved for their benefit.
Another benefit of newspaper advertising is the portable aspect / Standing in a newspaper. A newspaper is very easy toted from home to work, to lunch, back to work and back home. This allows readers to take the card when it's convenient for them. With regard to the permanent feature of the newspaper ... let's look at an example. Over a cup of coffee you're flipping through the pages of the local newspaper. You come across an ad for a new product that strikes your fancy. You can set the paper aside until later, when you have some 'free time and can find the product. Later that week, you pick up the ad and make a phone call to the company advertising the product. The same product is advertised as you're browsing the web. It is the preferred site to return to the site later. However, later that week's announcement is apparently went to the site. It is on a rotation? The ad was pulled? You may never know. This example can be a bit 'dramatic, however, illustrates the tangible benefit of an ad that someone can review and revise.
Perhaps the best argument to make the case of newspaper advertising is the '"opt-in". The world is full of annoying ads (not to say that do not work), television commercials, internet pop-up ads, spam e-mail, newspaper advertisements, etc. etc. etc. continue to be an opt-in method of advertising. People can decide whether or not they are going to read your newspaper ads. They know that the ads are there, next to the articles they read every day, and have the choice. And apparently many adults are making the choice to read the ads, because they find them useful. In a 2007 study done by Mediamark, 51% of adults surveyed said they have found newspaper advertising "somewhat / very useful." This day and age, people do not want to be disturbed. Case and point? DVRs are becoming increasingly popular, allowing people to completely ignore the ads. People are finding a way to bypass commercials, anti-spam filters are finding ways to eliminate spam, pop-up blockers are eliminating pop-up ads. The list goes on. However, newspaper ads have not become a nuisance, they continue to be a source of useful information for readers of the newspaper.
Advertisers have a difficult decision to distribute their advertising budgets. There is no "right answer" for how and where to spend your money. No plan of advertising is going to be right for all advertisers. Every advertiser should test different ads in different media, in order to find out what will produce results. Newspapers have long been a valuable method of advertising for businesses and consumers around the world. They offer advantages to advertisers that advertising can not web-based. Newspaper advertising is still working for the advertisers who continue to recognize its value. When divvying your advertising budget this year, do your research, weigh your options, but do not overlook the value that newspapers have always offered advertisers....
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