Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Smencils are the best ever produced Fundraising?

When people start looking for their fundraising program that generally begins by listing the criteria they want in a fundraiser and that usually the list is strikingly similar to another list of people. It usually includes a fundraising program with low minimum, at least 50% profit and a great product line that sells at a price that customers will feel comfortable paying. It will also probably list some requirements on the part of the fundraising company that has a great customer service and free shipping. Is there a product that meets all these requirements and is Smencils.

All this just puts the question - is a fundraiser Smencils the best fundraiser ever? Those who have participated in one and I saw how incredibly good that they sell Smencils resoundingly say yes.

In case you did not know, or maybe you've been living under a rock on a desert island, a Smencil is a standard # 2 pencil with a graphite that is made from recycled newspapers, wrapping around as graphite and then infusing one of a number of scents fun. The scents are bubble gum, cherry, root beer, chocolate and many others.

As an experienced fund-raising, I can honestly say that there is no other program that I know of, outside of fundraising Smencils that offers a very popular product, a 50% profit, free shipping, and a minimum of 1 case sells for just $ 1, which also has a positive environmental message. There are, of course, other programs that offer one, maybe two, of those, but nothing else to offer everyone.

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