Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chocolate Museum In Barcelona

There are many museums to see in Barcelona. The museums of Barcelona without exception, have a common goal: to teach the visitor. Therefore have a didactic character, besides being a place of entertainment and leisure. The Picasso Museum, which is the most popular of all, tells us about the life and work of the artist. On the other hand, the fantastic Barcelona Museum of Science helps us understand the mysteries of the different branches of science which encompasses, from mechanics to nature. What we learn from the Museu de la Xocolata Barcelona? For everything related to this delicious snack, with the intention of demonstrating that it is much more. We must not forget that it has been an important part throughout the history of mankind. It was utilizao as currency in commercial transactions, as if it were gold, for example.

A common feature of all the museums of Barcelona is its didactic purpose. The Museum of Barcelona Xocolata could not be less and your aim is to show that chocolate is more than a delicious snack. Chocolate has been a very important role in the history of mankind since ancient times, being a precious commodity because it was used as currency in commercial transactions and is the sweetest addiction man.

The Museum of Barcelona Xocolata is in the neighborhood of El Born, at No. 36 Commerce Street, on the ground floor of a former barracks, near the zoo. It is divided into different rooms dedicated to all aspects of chocolate. What awaits me in the museum? We expect a time travel that takes you to the origins of chocolate, and his arrival in Europe. Also learn about the nutritional value of chocolate and its aphrodisiac and medicinal properties. We also will have myths and legends about chocolate. As one of the museums of Barcelona's no wonder the special attention devoted to Easter eggs and chocolate monkeys typical of Catalonia. And even when these monkeys are born Barcelona. In Catalonia it is traditional to give away cute godparents to their godchildren chocolate Easter Monday, a holiday in this region.

The museum offers children's workshops in which experts become bakers because they learn to work with chocolate. There are also special activities for the whole family. Therefore, this museum is ideal to go with children if you do not know what to see in Barcelona with children

Beyond that, in museum offers the possibility to listen to and enjoy classical music plays in the House of Barcelona, ​​among other cultural activities. And if you're more interested in the machines, there is also a corner for yourself in the museum, since there is a room dedicated to the machines of the old chocolate factory in Catalonia.

You can not miss the collection of iconic pieces of chocolate candy home to more museums in Barcelona. Among these amazing chocolate sculptures find several famous buildings of Barcelona, ​​celebrities and illustrations of several stories. As an example, I can think of the Dragon of the steps of the Parc Güell, the little house in the movie Up or a scene from Don Quixote and the giant wind.

The Museum of Barcelona Xocolata offers much more and gives you the opportunity to celebrate your birthday with friends at the museum. You can mount a very original birthday party amid an atmosphere of chocolate.

Why Consult a specialist car insurance?

Do you wear for several years with a self-insured, but still do not understand the insurance market? You really need a car insurance specialist, ie, an agent working for the insurance and can answer any questions you may have. Get a car insurance quote is free and when you need to know how the insurance industry, the best source of information comes from car insurance specialists.

If you have a classic or vintage cars, it really worthwhile to insure them, think of all the money you lose if one of these cars were stolen. There are insurers who have the right policy for your classic cars.

Many insurance programs for classic cars cars have a number of limitations and restrictions as to age. The auto insurance specialists from several insurers can offer right solutions for your needs. For example, can help you get a lower rate on your insurance premiums.

With a classic car insurance, insurance specialists car will tell you if the limitations apply to your policy. You may have to be over 26 years of age to obtain such insurance, but you can drive the car for pleasure. Also, if you're part of a club classic vintage cars also are eligible for a discount.

If I become involved in an accident, the amount of money you receive for the repair can be specified in the policy as a cash payment. The auto insurance specialists require that you have the papers with the appraised value of the car when it's safe and it must match the value of the car stable. The classic car insurance company will do everything possible to help you get car insurance you need. Maybe your pocket is damaged, but not like you have to pay the medical expenses of someone in an accident.

Tips for getting the best insurance

• Volume of policies. All insurance companies offer discounted rates for customers who have multiple policies in the insurer.

• Retirement. Those who are elderly and have a good track record can often qualify for discounts of up to 45%.

• Education. Graduates in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering can get the lowest rate in the risk profiles of insurance and discounts of 10 or 30 percent.

• Occupation. Farmers and teachers are among the lowest in all categories of insurance risk because of their occupation. Educators often qualify for discounts of 10 to 30 percent. Farmers have good documentation and they are good negotiators must get the same price.


Photo Of The Day: 06/02/2011 "The message never came"

As a child, at school, had a child who was always sad. Do not talk much. No laughing ever. Almost did not play. Always suspended. I generated a great curiosity, I respect his expression filled with downcast and melancholy. One day after school, I decided to follow him, to know something more about him. He was heading to the beach. Drew a backpack with books, as if she weighed twice their body. He drew from his pocket a bottle of crystal, green, unlabeled. He seemed to have been filled at some point, some kind of alcohol. He had a note inside was twisted and covered with a cork snapped. He threw with great force, until it is floating and frolicking in the waves. He sat on the sand. Very close to the shore. Looking at infinity. The knees wedged between her tiny arms. He stayed there for quite some time and then just walked sadly to his house. He lived in a ground floor with a small courtyard to street level, surrounded by a scruffy wooden fence. Inside there was shouting. A drunken male voice, was pounding the glass. He came to the door. Waited a few minutes in the doorway, motionless, as if the next thing to happen, was part of a daily script that he knew perfectly.

With violence, opened a side window. A large bottle of green, like the one just launched into the sea, flew out and bounced on one of the bins outside. The boy went to pick it up. He held in his hand, gently pulled the label. He took from his bag a piece of paper, wrote something, curled and inserted inside the glass. The stoppered with cork and put it in the backpack. With trembling hand, introduced a key in the lock of the door and entered his house. Where were you lazy?, Was heard shouting from inside. Leave the boy alone!, A woman's voice snapped. Continued to beat, the sound of furniture, doors, screaming and sobbing. Children and female voices. After silence. Overwhelmed, I returned to the beach. I needed to know what to put in that message floating, traveling to nowhere. Not with little effort, rescued the bottle. Unscrewed the note. "Dad, do not drink more. A mother and I were hurt more you scream and your contempt for your shots. Please quiérenos if only a little. I wish to read this message and understand that your violence, made love in fear and fear to hatred. " My tears soaked the sheet.

Cried helplessly. Of sadness, understanding the reason for his attitude desolate. Of distress, finding that the distress message to a helpless creature, never reach its destination. I ran to my home in despair. I handed the bottle to my mother and explained my horrible discovery. "I will fight for justice to be done," he said. That night I could not sleep, but his words comforted me. I knew that justice would be done.

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Photo: Edurne Iza

Text: Iza Otamendi Onintza

You can download this picture freely. The only restriction is for sale and / or profitable use of it. Do not forget that all work belongs to its author, make good use of it.

Do women traveling alone? Rent a Car!

Do you want to go out and take a vacation? Need time to think and walk at your own pace? Is it difficult to coordinate an itinerary with family or friends? If your answer is yes, why not follow the trend and rent a car that could help you on your next trip alone?

For women it is less likely to travel alone, as they must have higher levels of security as it is easy to be victims of various crimes not only on the road, but also in streets. That said, there is absolutely no reason why women should not have the opportunity to pack up and leave home in a rental car. So you can enjoy the freedom offered by a single horse on board a rental car.

Some tips for traveling in a rental car are:

Use common sense. Just use your brain and not get into compromising situations (do not walk alone at night, etc..) You may damage or harm your car rental.

Exudes confidence. Take a map to find what you want and plan to go where you want your rental car.

Socialize. Can you go alone in your rental car, but that does not mean you have to do everything by yourself. If you feel vulnerable, there's no reason you can not join forces with another person to keep you company in the car rental.

Arrive during the day. Try not to go to hotels or hostels at night in your car rental. If there is light you may be better able to guide you and feel more visible.

Appropriate clothing. This work may cost you learn, but will help you avoid verbal attacks and / or physical inside or outside the car rental.

Do not be afraid to scream. If you are in an awkward position, use your voice and striking, that is, let others know you are there and who may need help.

Use a whistle. Keep a whistle on hand or wear it around your neck. Do not think twice about making too much noise if you need help.

There is no reason why women should not travel alone in a car rental. If you take the necessary precautions, your car rental will give you the best travel experience that is in terms of road trips. The world is at your feet, do not be an oyster and enjoy it all by yourself.

Essential Furniture For Home

The choice of furniture for our house is one of the tasks that take longer we mainly by the fact that once purchased and installed new furniture decoration will stay for long.

The most important furniture for the rooms are the beds and wardrobe. If you have more space may include a bedside tables. In the event that the room is of an adult can include a hook to hang the suit. In the children's room can add a desk and some shelves to store books and school supplies and study.

When choosing furniture for the lounge include in most cases the sofas of two or three squares and a single chair. To put the television, hi-fi system and DVD player is recommended that a large bookstore in the wall of greater length of the room. Today we can find furniture that follow a more modern and lighter line or opt for more classic furniture with more wood and more striking. Placed opposite the sofa can additionally a low table we can use to leave the magazine, the controls of the TV or put a decorative element.

In the dining room table we can put an extensible allowing us to make better use of library space and decorative. Where dining is available a single library can be used for television and books.

As for the bathroom furniture ideally include a small closet to store boats colony, shampoos, shaving products, etc.. If you have a little space can install small shelves or a cabinet with mirror above the sink. Also, it may be practical to have a sink with integrated furniture.

The cabinets and counter tops should have sufficient capacity to store dishes, glassware and food products easily. Lots of cupboard space should be included if there is enough space for it. The refrigerator and microwave can be integrated with the furniture.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Photo Of The Day: 21/06/2011 "A Shipwreck save his life"

They were a group of homeless. When they reached the village, people looked at them suspiciously. Ragged, some thought. Vagos, finished off others. However, gradually became part of the community. The difference made a big storm. Of those that stir the waves of Biscay, with infinite fury. One of the fish, top half heeled port, destroyed by the onslaught of the waves. Only three crew returned. The rest ... swallowed the sea. The show was awesome. Two sailors came lying on deck. Weary of fighting the elements, trying to rescue their lost comrades. The pattern, tied to the wheel with his head forward. Had lost consciousness, as the ship had gone around the breakwater and entered into the calm harbor waters. A huge commotion stirred the pier. Friends, acquaintances and family members rushed to his aid. First about what they could ship to the dock. Came heeled, and some submerged, seemed to have a leak. After the two fishermen recovered. They were about to practice the first aid when the ship was mortally wounded, began to lean more and more with a constant and blistering speed.

The captain was still inside. Still unconscious and tied to wooden rudder. Without thinking twice, a new neighbor, jumped into the water, dipped quickly and not without difficulty, managed to free the man and bring it to the surface, from where he hoisted the pier. Several weeks went by, until the men recovered from their wounds, but were left broken soul forever. The boss wanted to meet her savior, without which an incredible and having survived the massive storm, would have perished. He was a young guy, nice looking, but very thin and poorly dressed. They talked for hours. Sea of ​​politics, economy. They talked about the anger of not having a housing, a job. From desolation to visualize a future without hope. They came to the port. The old shell still in the same place where they left long ago. I was really torn, paint strokes had jumped from the sea and salt, and showed off their different stages, lives, patterns and colors. It was a colorful boat.

- I talked to the shipyard refloated tomorrow .- But does it fix? .- Well, with patience and a few euros ...- Yeah, right .- I'm thinking something ... Would you help me to fix it. I'll pay you well, of course!. Do not know much about carpentry, but I learn fast. Even my friends would be willing to lend a hand .- No more talk. Mismo.Pasaron morning start two months saw, hammer and sandpaper. Painting, planks and hawsers. It had become like new .- Good boy, you have fulfilled your part of the deal. Now it's up to me. The man said, handing an envelope with a bunch of money, Thanks, I thank you very much, the des. The price is cheap for saving my life. I thought more ... you said you had no home Do not - do not sleep here today gone tomorrow And what you seem A floating home - How to? do not understand, that the ship is your chicosY this is how the old ship began a new life with a different color and some unsuspecting people. This is how those young people finally got the opportunity he had longed. Home and work of a blow. And this is how the old pattern is reunited with his family when he nearly lost everything.

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Photo: Edurne Iza

Text: Iza Otamendi Onintza

You can download this picture freely. The only restriction is for sale and / or profitable use of it. Do not forget that all work belongs to its author, make good use of it.


Ensure your Teen Driver

When a teenager gets behind the wheel of a car, often causes him or her to take risks that experienced drivers would not take. This means that an adolescent is a serious threat to everyone on the road and, of course, that insurance rates go up and are much higher than for an average adult.

How to save money on auto insurance for your teen

Many insurers take into account drivers under 25 years as a higher risk than average, because they are involved in more accidents than older people. This high risk of accidents in adolescents can fire insurance costs by up to 50% of normal and even reaches 100%. Premiums for auto insurance when they are teenagers tend to be much higher than for the elderly.

However, you can still save with car insurance if you want your teen is protected. If your child plays their part and follow these guidelines, the insurer will pay easier:

A clean driving record. Keep your driving record clean child can help lower the price of car insurance premiums.

Earn points. Many insurers offer discounts to teens who attend high school or college full time and maintain a high GPA.

Participate in your community. Young people who join certain civic or community organizations like the Boy Scouts can receive discounts from their insurers.

Choose the safest car. Adolescents insurance can cost up to 50% less, if you choose a safer car, for example a Honda Civic or a Volvo. The new models of cars with airbags are the least expensive to insure. Sports cars, luxury, high performance and SUVs carry higher risk and higher insurance premiums.

Add security features. Security features such as antilock brakes, traction control, automatic seat belts and air bags can reduce insurance rates for teenagers considerably.

Tie Between Syndrome favorite World Under-20 Football

When two opponents of equal strength faced, whether in sports or any other event, it is normal to watch carefully, you are treated with respect and confidentiality. In the case of football and the current Under 20 World Cup, we would expect the same treatment when faced with traditional equipment called large. So in sports betting when facing teams evenly matched in performance and favorites, the tie is a widely used marker, when it comes to the regular 90 minutes of play, because in the final stages requires a winner at the end so be on penalties .

Syndrome tie in soccer tournaments, is related to the opener, because the responsibility is great, when facing sports teams of equal strength, and when there is not much interest in the final score, where the teams and are classified or eliminated. Sports betting that aim to draw in soccer are very attractive, as a minimum entry equivalent to 33% of the probability of winning in its own right are three possible outcomes, which increases when the favorites are facing each other.

A match between traditional rivals such as Brazil or Argentina, Spain or Portugal, Colombia and Ecuador, may be considered within the rubric of similar strength sports teams, where the parity of outcomes among them can lead to sports betting a draw, as result of choice between traditional and new punters. Similarly it could be applied to find a partner among the different selections that represent a region or continent.

Another factor supporting the idea that the tie is an interesting marker to select it in sports betting is that when you do not know who is the clear favorite, it is best not to take side with either of the two teams, emerging as the tie the most viable alternative. However, we can add spice to sports betting, choosing between the candidates, but choosing the marker and the number of goals. Because there is a difference between a tie that to two, and so on.

The sports betting houses, remain within their statistics, the number of ties that have been made in the football through the history, the world's largest, in the sub 20, and in any tournament. Statistics how are you, you can be valuable when making decisions on the strategy you will use within your sports betting, and if you lean in the tie game as a tool for generalized or those parties who appear similarity forces between the competitors.


World Poker Champion Joe Cada

Joseph "Joe" Each was born in Michigan, United States on November 18, 1988 and was the winner of the 2009 WSOP main event becoming the youngest player to achieve, "title" that was taken in 2010 by Jonathan Duhamel .

He started playing poker when he was 15 years in games 2 / 4 at Party Poker. At 16, and his brother Jerome Each pooled $ 25 to play online poker table and won $ 250 in low stakes games, money lost in a night tilt.

Joe Cada started college, Macomb Community College, at the same time playing online games regularly. Shortly afterwards he was introduced to the live games at a casino in Windsor (Michigan), where he enjoyed the taste of victory, which led him to leave college after two semesters to become a poker player full time.

Even before his victory in the Main Event, each had signed a contract with Pokerstarts poker site, who would be responsible for paying their hotels, travel and some buy-in. But it was in this tournament where he won the by now is his only bracelet. He started the tournament being the chip leader after Day 1C and reached the final table as the fifth player with more chips. However, at this final table was repeatedly to the brink of elimination growing to only 1% of the chips in play (to cover only four big blinds), with this outlook was difficult for anyone to bet on this player to be the cuff. However, reached the heads-up to face the Moon Darwin who won after 88 hands in an all-in preflop with 9 ♣ 9 ♦ Q ♦ against his rival J ♦ out on the flop 8 ♣ 2 ♣ 7 ♠ K ♥ 7 ♣.

Because this final anecdote that tens of fans of Each wore a shirt with the colors of the Michigan Wolverines with the words "Joe Cada Michigan PokerStars 'The Kid'" in the front and the Michigan baseball cap with the words "The Kid "in the rear.

In an interview after the victory he spoke of the controversy over the laws of poker: "... support the right to play poker online. Poker is a game of chance, it's a hobby, an activity, a game. It has to do with luck, is logical, decision-making, mathematics. We should be able to play poker on the Web if you want, and I think if we do restrict our rights illegal ...".

Currently thinking about buying a second home in Las Vegas and the opening of a bar.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Advantages And Disadvantages To Learn To Speak German

If we were to judge the German according to what is "out there says," and "and said" probably no one would "bother" to learn it, or rather, learning German venture would be like a parachute jump manual - in German - in hand, without saying its possible catastrophic consequences. Because before revealing the mystery that holds the maze of language by "cases" for example, and to cite just one of the difficulties involved, we would be singing the Hallelujah of Schubert, in German of course, harp in hand, the side of San Pedro, flying over the country on a little cloud Teutonic laden rain.

A Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany is credited with the following quote (Wikiquote): "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men and German to my horse."

The famous American writer Mark Twain came to write as much a "treaty" entitled "The awful German language" (The awful German language), which chronicles the countless complications that went through to finally be understood in that language, moderately.

Unfortunately I have no argument with which these impressions could object. Moreover, my potential students require them to reflect deeply "as the seminarians about to take habits" before embarking on the difficult task of learning the language "devil", to quote Twain again.

But those who have been thinking otherwise. Not just today, enjoy the many advantages, not to mention the fact that from the point of view, a considerable amount of open doors that should not be underestimated.

The German likes to speak in your language. First, because due to the condition mentioned above, relatively few foreigners who speak and therefore competitive advantage is huge.

Secondly, because learning this language requires a development of logical thinking is not negligible. In the same way, which, in my school days, they demanded to learn Latin, despite being a dead language, just as they used to say, my parents - "oil" neurons in the brain, beyond learning German the simple "acquisition" of a language and demands of its partners a constant "to think about," because mistakes are made when we do not, glaring sound so bad, there is no other choice but to continue thinking about talking. This feature entails, seeing it from a practical point of view also a negligible quality, especially when we are going to say any evil thing. Just in case "the fly has entered the mouth" can always be attributed to an alleged misuse of language, for obvious reasons.

On the other side and parachute back to the beginning of the article mentioned, probably the person who has learned to use it properly, get open his parachute even before those who speak other languages. Not that you are comparing. It's simple. After you understand your "logic" complex things become simpler and we can express things much more complex, more easily.

In my career as a German translator and I have seen countless times. Indeed, on many occasions has reached the Spanish were somewhat "limited" Without downgrading, for instance when trying to translate Nietzsche, or if we compare the translated into German and Spanish of the extract on the Grand Inquisitor Seville in the play "The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoevsky, among many others.

This however has a perfectly logical and rational explanation. The German language covers up to 500,000 words. While the Castilian falls short as 250,000.

Even I could list a lot of motives, but my purpose is not to convince the disinterested, but to encourage the undecided, because it probably already has piqued curiosity.

So Hermann Hesse and quoting "denn Wohlen, Herz und Abschied nimm gesunde," [....] Denn [... .. jedem ein Anfang Zauber Wohn unnecessary.] "

The Refresh Barcelona Primavera Sound 2009

Barcelona dismisses the spring and the summer heat gets to the always refreshing Primavera Sound 2009 takes place on 28, 29 and May 30 at the Parc del Forum in Barcelona. The festival once again surprised us with an agenda full of independent groups and established artists to wow audiences with his music in a privileged environment. Primavera Sound 2009 music gives viewers continued in two main areas, the Ray-Ban stage located in front of the sea, and Ray-Ban stage unplugged from small and intimate space more where top artists for interviews, perform in an acoustic and greet their fans. Actions in this edition include personalities such original artists like Jay Reatard Joe Twilight or consolidated with veterans such as Neil Young. The care card features styles for all tastes, with groups like Tokyo Sex Destruction, The Punsetes, The Horrors, The Bats, A Certain Ratio, Fucked Up, among others, and setting RayBan unplugged confirmed by the time the actions of Black Lips, Rosvita, i Cuzo Phoenix.

At Primavera Sound 2009 adds an additional music program to be held in the days before the festival at different venues in the city, highlighting free daily concerts in the Rift Shop clothing store, near the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona. The subscription price for the Primavera Sound 2009 is 155 €. The day tickets are available at € 70 and € 15 at night, with restrictions on the scenarios that can be accessed. Send the spring in style and cool down with the Primavera Sound 2009. LateRooms offers you the best hotel deals in Barcelona, ​​from pensions and Agua Alegre from 60 € double room to sleep on a boat!, Such as the Goleta Yasanti from 100 € double room with breakfast included.

Ripping the ear lobe


The weight of earrings or accidents caused by pulling them on an involuntary basis is the main cause of enlargement of the tear or hole final of the ear lobe. This issue likely will increase and other sites that are not ears and in males, because the more frequent use of los_piercing. Many women torn earlobe prevents you to use pending, or that they are required, but will enjoy it, having more than a hole in their ears, but they may, in some cases, hide a tear, with an aesthetically inappropriate. For this problem there is only one possible correction: the surgery. It is a simple procedure, but thorough. The operative field is very small, this is what makes it an operation that must be very precise, is performed in all cases without the need for hospitalization, outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Low cost makes it affordable for any economy.

How do you repair the torn earlobe?

Understand that in the elongated hole or tear or a partial tear in a few days after the accident tear the inside of the skin is covered. If suturásemos ("cosiéramos") the skin to skin, removing the points stay the same as before, no cicatrizaría, so it is necessary to "play" the initial injury (remove the outermost edge of skin that covers the tear back to the state Tear recently) to make way for the plasty repair itself. As the surgical area is very small it is necessary to use instrumentation and microsurgical technique.

Before proceeding, make sure your surgeon has asked you the day before washing your face and especially your ears with Betadine soap, so that the skin is clear. The whole procedure takes no more than 60 minutes to both lobes. A local anesthetic. You will have stitches, and take a cure for several hours.

Recovery - Results.

You can continue your office work and with their usual occupations that do not involve physical exertion. That yes, you can not immediately use their pending in this ear, remember that underwent a surgical procedure and therefore should rest scar and power to obtain the desired result.

Have a new agujerillo much finer, more aesthetic and functional when the stitches removed after 8-10 days.

After removing the points and the swelling has subsided, the remaining 10 may be placed thin and lightweight.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Immunology A Crisis

Three years ago the economic crisis had begun, or at least that was the version. Ahorrodabananticipos boxes and workers embarked on mortgage tangles could already see that would not come to fruition. However, nobody seemed to want to see what was coming and all the hope we ignored the futurocon deesquivarel cataclysm.

Currently, the crisis continues to have terrible effects on our society. In other parts of the world's situaciónempiezaa out of hand and you need the assistance of his countrymen. Españolel unemployment in the state not to be increased and some people start looking for jobs abroad, as if aúnviviéramos entiempo the war. In many hogaresse find it difficult to make ends meet and feel invaded by a climate bastantedesmoralizado perception regarding the labor market.

However, there are institutions that are doing so in the August crisis. Following recomendaciónde authorities to invest in training many people who have decided to attend college. Language schools are complete and universidadestienen increasing demand, particularly to study an MBA master. They are also very solicitadoslos vocational training centers, which get subvencionesdel cursosgratis Government to provide.

Another group that is destacadala soportade hardship is the purchase of the genres necessary. The supermarkets that sell hygiene comiday artículosde not see very small transactions, as people sigueadquiriéndolospase what. This is quite visible in the stores with a range of own products, as danartículos very similar to those of known manufacturers but at a lower price.

This shows that for all a totally different dificultadhay and which can damage some may benefit others.

In The Renaissance City

Travel leaves many joys and lessons learned that no one else can offer. It is not the same as reading or listening to a hirtoria to be in place and not need explanations of how things happen. Living in a new environment makes good friends, impressions and experiences.

Many times I opened and read history books events leaving the imagination, can be converted into something unusual and even seems to have been present in those situations. Then came the web and is now much easier to learn things that happen in the world. One day he tries to retreat into my imagination, I found many stories about Florence and I decided to visit the city. There were stories of its monuments, its foundation and photographs depicting these stories, something that always looked great in photos and video, but I had to watch live.

After thinking a lot, and go away budget for my trip, I decided to buy the ticket. Automatically arrived and I realized I had made a good decision. People are very friendly, easy to transport and indeed, as the web I had talked, bringing all the museums artifacts and works of ancient art to life for current generations could appreciate it.

Little by little I learned of what he saw and heard, as they say "When in Rome do as the Romans" and was exactly what I did. At first it was weird and sometimes I laughed myself to do it, but everything turned out well to live with other friends who went by slowly.

Each had a distinctive way. From the food, what food! It is not enough to test it in a restaurant specializing in home. The food was certainly not when compared with what I had tried before. A lasagna was the first thing I ate. I saw the pasta prepared at the time, no package as we ask ourselves.

For this reason, not only Florence, visiting other places. Envuélvanse in its magic and enjoy something that only happens when you travel.

Paris Belleville, The Secret Art Barrio Paris

Strolling down the Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower out and see the Louvre if you like, but do not leave Paris without visiting the prefecture of Belleville, worthy of a perfect picture of Paris. As the name suggests, is a beautiful city Belleville. A fantastic view Located on the top of the 20th arrondissement, a nice walk up the hill from the subway station with the same name, the Parc de Belleville will provide a spectacular view of Paris. This place is undoubtedly the ideal location for those seeking a superb place to enjoy the fireworks at New Year.

Known historically cheap food to be an area with cheap rentals in Paris, initially Belleville attracted bargain hunters from all over the world, defending the wide range of continental cuisine in the area. Low-cost wine Piquette wine was first produced in this area by a waiter who wanted to keep prices low for people in the area. This wine has made Belleville an area famous for producing some of the cheaper wines of France.

Famous inhabitants Besides being the birthplace home of some of the greatest icons of France, Belleville is also eternal resting place for many celebrities. Among the graves in the cemetery of Pere Lachaise is the monolith of the playwright, poet and novelist Oscar Wilde, adorned with different colored lips in Art Deco style, while some of the tombs show graffiti with arrows leading to the resting place Jim Morrison, leader of The Doors. Art Today, people visit Belleville for its art scene, which are predominantly painters, sculptors and craftsmen form Les Ateliers d'Artistes de Belleville, opponents proud general art scene. Free museum in the park you will find the Maison de l'Air, which describes the elements of the atmosphere in detail. Descbrid how animals and plants use the air and how to help curb environmental pollution. Opening hours are from 12.30 to 17.00 and admission is free. The smaller cabaret smaller Cabaret in Paris has opened its doors under the name Le Zebre of Belleville on the main street.

You will know you have arrived at this unique cabaret raise your head when you see a zebra that looks at the bell. Paris, cheap hotels in Belleville Some cheap hotels in Paris, you will find in the Belleville district, such as the Hotel Paris Gambetta or the Hotel Armstrong Paris.


As sure as each year goes very fast in September and that children come to school and thus the peace at home also get lice and diseases.

One of these incurable diseases is the chickenpox illness in most cases mild but terribly uncomfortable.

Chickenpox is usually a fairly mild disease if contracted in childhood and a little more important if we are adults.

In most cases last week, although only the first few days are really annoying in the middle of the week the symptoms are subsiding and the child begins to feel much better and starts to fall out over the house.

Contagiousness of chickenpox.

Although it is a mild disease its spread is really contagious chicken pox a few days before the onset of pimples so avoid spreading the virus is not very difficult.

Some tips to help the virus is not spread by all members of the family are:

• Wash hands frequently, especially after using the toilet and before eating.

• Take frequent baths or showers. • Zoom to infected unvaccinated members of the family.

• In people who have not had chickenpox can prevent or lessen your symptoms with an injection of antibodies in the first 96 hours of exposure to infection.

Symptoms of chickenpox

How do you know what you're incubating is chickenpox? There are a number of symptoms that betray before they leave the typical granite. The most common symptoms of chickenpox are:

• Irritability

• Widespread pain

• Fever

• Weakness and fatigue

• Loss of appetite

• itchy rash of blisters on the body, eyelids and mouth

You know if these symptoms begin to appear ... likely to suffer the dreaded and beloved chickenpox.


It is presented as strategic thinking to use and regulate their own learning activity and accustomed to reflect on one's knowledge. [] Is one of the approaches to constructivist theories of meaningful learning, which responds to the need for a transition from a passive learner willing to learn and reproductive adaptively what prompted, to a generator and constructive learner, aimed at the search for meaning than it does

Metacognition is a multifaceted concept, generated in educational research, mainly carried out during class experiences.

Among the various aspects of metacognition, we highlight the following:

Metacognition refers to knowledge, awareness, control and nature of metacognitive learning processes aprendizaje.El can be developed through learning experiences adecuadas.Cada person has somehow metacognitive views, sometimes in the form according to inconciente.De the methods used by teachers for teaching, can encourage or discourage the students' metacognitive trends.

"Metacognition refers to knowledge of one's own cognitive processes, the results of these processes and any aspect that relates to them learning that is relevant properties that relate to the information and data. For example, I am involved in metacognition if I notice that it is easier to learn

Metacognition we mean by "the capacity we have people self-regulate our own learning, that is, what strategies have been planning to use in every situation (learning), implement, monitor the process, evaluate you for possible failures, and as transfer result ... all at a new action or learning situation. "

Subject: The person performing the act of thinking (in our case a person who performs a mathematical operation) Subject: Is the stimulus, the thing to be thought or known through its essential features (The mathematical operation itself, that part of objective reality). The act of regret: what makes the person who wants to know (Using the senses in order to uncover the essential characteristics of the object, the mathematical operation-). Thought: Results of the act of thinking (ie, the mathematical operation and its result).

Metacognitive knowledge: is knowledge about three aspects of cognitive activity: people (know that you remember best words to numbers), the task (knowing that the organization of a text facilitates or hinders the learning of content) and strategies (knowing that the realization of a conceptual scheme is a procedure that promotes understanding)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rating: The inferential

Rating inferential

They are called inferential connectors used to give "illation" reasoning. Illation means "reasonable and orderly interlocking parts of a speech."

The inferential or inferential expressions are a media liaison or special connectors (some conjunctions and a lot of expressions) that have a form of punctuation different from the rest of the simple or common conjunctions, this is because the inferential can be moved within the sentence differently than the rest of the connectors.

The inferential, whose function is to give coherence and continuity to the oral and written language are not only connectors that join propositions and other elements within the sentence, but also serve as a link or transition between a sentence and (s) prayer ( is) above (s) and between one paragraph and (the) paragraph (s) above (s). When these connectors make connections between sentences or between paragraphs, links are called extraoracionales.

In summary, the inferential have three basic features: 1.You can move or be placed in a peculiar way in different places of prayer and, therefore, are scored differently than the rest of the connectors. 2.You can function as links sentence ( between constituents of the sentence). 3.Pueden extraoracionales function as links (between sentences or between paragraphs).

Special conjunctions act as inferential are: explanatory conjunctions (ie, that is, that is), some consecutive conjunctions (therefore, consequently, therefore, because, well, then, is why) and some adversative conjunctions (but, nevertheless, moreover, on the contrary, on the contrary, otherwise the contrary, in the opposite direction, however, before, rather, yet).

Among other expressions that function as inferential, are some adverbs ending in "mind", some adverbial phrases, expressions that are used to express order, or steps, expressions used to exemplify, and so on.'s See in detail in the "Remarks" .

The inferential can go in the following places of prayer: 1.Enter two propositions. 2.Intercalados in propositions or simple sentence. 3.Al beginning of propositions or simple sentence. 4.Al end of the propositions or simple sentence.

If the inferential between two propositions are generally preceded by a semicolon and followed by coma. If they are interspersed in the propositions or simple sentence, commas are. If you go at the beginning of the propositions or simple sentence, are followed by coma. And if you go at the end of the propositions or simple sentence, preceded by coma.


It was raining, so we arrived late to clases.Estaba disappointed, therefore, decided to leave solo.Estaba raining, we arrived so late clases.No did nothing, therefore, that noche.Ésta is thus The truth is the truth todo.Ésta all, pues.Sin But many apoyaron.En I therefore did the trabajo.No However, I still love you, you can be quiet, then. We did not study properly, and consequently, we were well in the examen.Nosotros therefore decided to leave solo.Estaba upset, decided, therefore, let me think solo.La serious disease that is more serious than expected . I was late, so I was late in the clase.Ellos, however, I hid the verdad.Tu brother is intelligent, but never gets good calificaciones.Me worked hard, yet the work was incompleto.Tales incidents, however, no winter repitieron.Durante many moose die by starvation and attack by wolves, but this is a test of survival especie.La strengthens the rain, however, marred the illative acto.El because (conjunction consecutive) can not be used between two propositions used interleaved (comma) or end of the second proposition (preceded by a comma.) occupies these positions also in the simple sentence. The because it is between two propositions is causal conjunction is preceded by a comma only.

Explanatory conjunctions (ie, that is, that is) that connect propositions will always be in the middle of the two, preceded by a semicolon and followed by coma, when used to attach other items (not propositions) in the sentence , are separated by commas:

The director, or Richard, and gave the order.

His latest book is, "Marine" is selling mucho.Observaciones:

1.How explained, not only bind the inferential propositions and other constituents within the sentence, but are also connectors that serve as transition elements to provide coherence and continuity to the sentences within a paragraph and paragraphs in the written total is therefore not surprising to find, often beginning sentences and paragraphs, except that usually occupy different positions in the other sentence (simple and composite).

When inferential extraoracionales function as links, usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas:

This summer, however, several neighbors of the property have plans to sell their homes and belongings. They are therefore expected number of visits of potential buyers. Besides the mentioned special conjunctions at the beginning of this topic, also function as links extraoracionales other common conjunctions: and, or, but, again, though, because, etc. But they can not be located in different places where they are located conjunctions special function as inferential. When these simple conjunctions extraoracionales function as links can only be the beginning of the sentence and not separated by commas from the rest of the sentence. For example, the "but" used in the second sentence of this paragraph .

2. They are used as inferential some adverbs ending in the suffix "mind", which play the role of sentence modifiers. These can be used at the beginning, or collated at the end of simple sentences or propositions, in these cases are usually separated by commas. They also appear in the middle of two sentences, joining them, then they must be preceded by a semicolon, and followed by coma (though sometimes only preceded by a semicolon).

Among the most common of these adverbs that are used as inferential, we have the following: generally, often, eventually, occasionally, usually, occasionally, rarely, regularly, routinely, usually continuously, particularly preferably, definitely, indeed, truly, really, frankly possibly, probably, specifically, no doubt, similarly, and so on.


As preferably vegetables and frutas.Efectivamente, comedy seems very mala.Generalmente, here we had lunch at noon, but sometimes we do at two in the urban youth tarde.La inactive ships, often, all kinds disolventes.Ser experiences a responsible teacher is knowing that everything rests, definitely in the elevation of thought, in educación.Existe usually homogeneity between mental and material of the members of a society and the pleasures offered by this company . In between the spaces between the houses were gray pieces of water, too, occasionally, the motley palmares.Llegábamos at work at eight, ordinarily, came at that time to make an inspection of the goods recibida.En am was still light in his room probably was asleep leyendo.3. Also used as inferential or adverbial some supplements, such as: a casual basis, so eventually, so often, frequently, frequently, generally, generally, in general, by rule, sporadically, in fact, really, really, ultimately, so, so, therefore, in fact, of course, no doubt, in any case, if so, in large part, to a large extent, sometimes, sometimes, rarely, perhaps, maybe, maybe, and so on.


The mother frequently, called the child from the portal.En really do not know what to do this día.Salió ride with them in efecto.En really is not that what dije.El naive man despises, often , the artifices of hypocrisy usually of no value to family mentir.La shown so often, unable to oppose such violence the youth estabilidad.La a developing country is often an idle youth; therefore, we must give ocupación.Ella is more organized and, therefore, more completa.4. Other inferential that are used to express order, steps or stages of a process or action. These are very important to arrange events in time and to establish other forms of logical sequence. With these connectors we can give more precision, clarity, fluidity and, above all, continuity and consistency in oral speech and writing. The most used are first, second, third, etc..: first, first, second, etc.. and now, then, then then then then, simultaneously, while at the same time, while together, in the meantime, meanwhile, moreover, also the one hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, to conclude, in conclusion, in short, in short.

These inferential also appear in different positions in prayer and are widely used as extraoracionales links:


Their behavior fueel less suitable: first, always late, and second, everything was half, and finally, stole various utensils oficina.Primero sat on the rock, then leaned on his hands head, then his gaze wandered by the desolation around him, and finally looked at the top, the clouds and the moon red. comprendió.Primeramente Then, season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper. Then, heat the butter in heavy saucepan and fry the chicken pieces until golden on both sides. Next, pour the fat from the pan into another container. then add to the pan the chicken broth, juice and orange zest. Finally, cover and let it all simmer for thirty or forty minutos.5.Se added to the list of inferential some expressions used to exemplify or illustrate: for example, as an example to illustrate, for instance, and, similarly, to illustrate, by way of illustration, as shown, as evidence by way of example, and so on.

6. There is inferential that have inclusive, including, even, too, as also in addition to, and, like, like. Others denote modal aspect: thus, in this way, so, so, likewise, the same way.


Anyone can go, even those who have not terminado.Recoge all these, plus aquéllos.Participarán all men, as well as niñas.7. Other inferential expressions consist of two discontinuous way correlative to work "not only ... but (that) also, on one hand ... (and) by (the) other, on the one hand ... on the other, from ... to ".


Not only swept the room, but the rooms and the portal.Por one hand, she had few resources, on the other, no time suficiente.Vendían from relics, stones and exotic objects, to radios, televisions and modern computers. 8. Sometimes (usually in brief) the comma is optional on inferential expressions. Examples:

But they solved. However, the result resolvieron.En home. stayed in consequence, remained in casa.Frecuentemente así.Frecuentemente acts, acts that dress really así.En gusta.En I do not really dress that I really gusta.En muchacha.En good truth, it's a good girl.

Neoliberalism, and State Education (Case: Argentina)

Neoliberalism, State and Education (CASE: ARGENTINA)

One hundred and thirty years, after visiting the country of wonders,

Alicia got into a mirror to discover the world upside down.

If Alice reborn today, need not pass through any

mirror will suffice to look out the window.


In Argentina, the existence of neoliberal governments lead to contradictions leading to a state with few commitments to society, concentrating power in the dominant groups, coinciding with Paulo Freire "(...) does not reject the bourgeois things, but the bourgeois conception of the life (...)" (Freire, 1970), transnational corporations being the "key properties" coercion exercised through the State paradoxically detached from it to lead to a marked de-nationalization, so that the school is not impervious to the intensity of socio-economic crisis and the subsequent product of this framework, today the existence of visualizing growth processes in education and mass media, but as expressed in E. Tenti-Fanfani: "(...) there are several factors that act as a brake on this expansion. Some have to do with the characteristics of the offer (or outright absence) and others with the social conditions necessary to sustain the school of adolescents and youth, especially in contexts of crisis and social exclusion (...)" (Tenti-FANFANI: 2003), this leads to distortion of the teaching strategies and institutional as it becomes difficult to cope with new problems that occurred in our country, hindering the visualization of the true purpose and meaning of education in young people, so that "(...) in this situation where all inequalities (economic, social, political, cultural, etc.) tend to accentuate both in terms of social and territorial and institutional, it is foolish to propose an educational policy focused primarily on energy emanating from the so-called "civil society initiatives" or of the institutions (institutional autonomy) (...)" ( Tenti-FANFANI: 2003 Faced with the diversity of schools may be common features about the claims that hold either more inputs, demand for public school, educational equity, among others - and aspires to be more social type where the State has been the main character that has been deprived of achieving those goals. There is no denying that the emergence of acute problems in schools is a phenomenon that is causing changes in socio-political dynamics and inequalities that are reflected in schools , explains E.

Tenti-Fanfani: "(...) subordinate social groups who suffer the most stringent social and economic crisis have great difficulty in sustaining the education of new generations. A dangerous combination of problems of meaning (why go to school, to learn what is taught there, etc), performance problems (absenteeism, failure assessments, repetition, etc.) and shortages (which makes it more attractive and "rational" conduct an activity involving income to go to school) ends up disrupting the school career of adolescents and young people Tenti-FANFANI (...)"(: 2003)

Analyze the youth today, involves making new social subjects that complicate the socio-class structure, they are also exposed to successive crises and shape a collective consciousness, to understand its dynamics, it is necessary to observe the context in which they fit which is colored by the contradictions of class, there can be inferred that his character is fragmented, the underestimation of young people can not see his real power for change, as well as Cruz poses :"(...) Reguillo was easy young people make both "scapegoats" in recipients of institutionalized violence, as in Figure fearsome "enemy within" who breaks through the disruptive practices of the legitimate social orders (...)" (Reguillo CRUZ: 2000)

Given the unfavorable situations listed and which have become "natural" as expressed can lead us to "(...) Meirieu Phillippe sink into resignation for fear brought ourselves to the destruction of others and of ourselves, we prefer to destroy We all interest in the other. We thus escape but in reality, while we condemn ourselves to immobility: in rejecting the educability, we reject the educator and the educator, education renounce (...) "(Meirieu: 1998 ) therefore, I think to "escape the trap" may begin lasnormas respect democratic, how to organize and order our life together, in an educational context would banish vital educational inequity where the poorest are educated impoverished which prevents the system maintenance, or as expressly Blejmar Bernardo: "(...) why a system containing few schools for monitoring ,(...) - eg those that rely on universities-( ...) that has resources to manage, you have to be exceptional compared to the standard ....? "(BLEJMAR: 2001)

We should learn from the crisis, the errors, to eliminate the "pedagogy of suspicion", evidently the school without the presence of other organisms can not solve all conflicts, the State must assume principal responsibility for their improvement, they must built networks, putting into action the sense because the school is still a space where you try to learn, interact and think, should be capable of generating critical thinking, and this could start to build it as expressed by Paulo Freire "(...) by creation and recreation in ourselves and in our workplaces are those fundamental qualities which will enable us to realize our dreams (...)" (Freire: 1970)

Research paper fragment Neoliberalism, State and Education Case: Argentina by Miriam Gualberto (anthropologist, University of Buenos Aires) in February 2010.


Redecorate Your Life With Your Favorite Photos

Home decoration is one of the most influenced by fashion trends and changes. New materials, new products and innovative designs are constantly being introduced into our homes, that could not be alien to the individually decorated with photos, increasingly present in our vidas.Ir to a store to choose a box for the living room furniture to the living room, a pillow for the couch, a curtain for the bathroom or a bed quilt is something that has become common in our lives. But if before looking for an attractive design or a specific color, new printing techniques now enable users to customize to your needs, your favorite photos, all these objects and almost everyone that you can imaginar.Si until recently the family or friends were present in a photograph hanging on the wall or placed in a frame on a desk, you can now make your children, your parents, grandparents or friends are present in any part of the decoration of the house.

We suggest some possibilities of personalization with photos maybe you had not even imagined: - A duvet cover, with the photos you want printed and the ability to choose a fund with various colors to match the curtains habituation .- to the bathroom or shower .- The blinds of the windows .- The couch cushions or pillows on the bed .- The carpets of the room or entrance mats .- The wall lamps or table night .- The tables and lounge chairs or children's room .- Racks .- The coasters, plates, glasses, cups or glass holder Basin .- And of course all kinds of pictures with photos printed on canvas, photo paper, fabric, aluminum, wood or acrylic. All these products can now be found with exceptional quality, almost photographic, high durability and resistance to wear and lavados.En Internet can find all these products on sites specialized in personalized gifts and decorating with photos or pictures with photos printed.

Biography of Empedocles and Final Farewell

Empedocles (490 - 430. C) Greek philosopher who proposed an early version of the nature of matter. They say it was excellent political, if not the majority mode, which deceive the very people who operate continuously. He was a poet, physician and mystic. The last thing a considerable impact on their lives. Empedocles is known to have proposed that all four substances derived from roots or elementary principles "fire, air, water and earth," these are joined or separated as a result of the forces, attraction and repulsion. (Love and Hate) the proposition of the fourth empedoclita, the elaborate considering that everything is all the parts and the parts form the totality of everything. For Empedocles was useless from a single element, and more appropriate to reconcile the old theories. Well from a single element as did the founders of the materialist philosophy, led him to conceive of a part of the whole as the whole itself, therefore the elaboration of its system, the whole formed by joining parts. The fourth Empedoclita deserved further development by Aristotle, which had a profound influence for more than two thousand years.

In particular investigations until Boyle, according to legend, Empedocles ended his life by throwing himself into a cracter volcanic Mount Etna, possibly with the intention to demonstrate his divinity. In the philosophy of Empedocles is combine Egyptian and Zoroastrian conceptions . But unlike them their own lead to pessimism. Part of the primacy of spiritual over the material, but not assimilate well to life as this is only the realization of the divine concept. They might even consider the existence as an evil. In his cosmology influences the existence of two suns, the authentic and mirror, night is a kind of eclipse caused by the interposition of the earth between the sun and fire. The stars and planets are authentic fire. Unlike the stars to planets that are free are stuck, and the light moves from one place to another in very short time. The principles of mortal beings are eternal and the first people that existed were the trees. . Empedocles was the first to assume that plants had sex. The beings were generated by random aggregation of separate elements but only those who survived were better organized.

Jose Orlando Melo 35 2007 Naranjo believed in the transmigration of souls. The perception is given by the fit between the pores and this size that makes the difference between the various senses. Empedocles wrote two poems of nature and purifications. Young philosopher Empedocles and wanted to illustrate physical knowledge, or intuition. Two Suns, the real and mirror. That is the sun and moon. For we know that the sun is authentic in the same light energy and allows us to observe the phenomenon occurred on the moon. Which reflects the sunlight. Since this is an opaque body from the sun receives its being bright. The question may be how does the sun to shine authentic? Well, it has long believed that the sun was a huge ball of burning fuel material, by way of a reserve of coal, has changed his mind a century ago and has only to look at other possibilities enpesado. A sun fuel burning effect could not have been so for more than a few million years.

But the man there for about 4 million years and the planet Earth was formed almost 5 billion years, it was necessary therefore to find another explanation for the radiation of the sun. Various theories advanced by the end of the last century and in 1905 is Albert Einstein who finally found the solution to the sun and all stars, is a huge mass of gas is changed, the original gas (hydrogen) becomes progressively the other gas (helium) to fusion of atoms, in the course of this process a part of the mass is lost. The difference represents every second, is the equivalent of 4 million tons (!) Is converted into energy which is the radiation from the sun. You gentlemen Physicists call this operation, the thermonuclear fusion. The most powerful nuclear bombs (H bombs) run by the same principle. In other words, the sun is a giant bomb that explodes permanently. Empedocles says that the stars and planets are authentic fire, which Empedocles did not know is that its much admired sun was but a single star, because astronomers are very interested in the sun because it is the only star we can study in detail, by reason of its proximity, we must know that there is more than a star very small in relation to all that inhabit the sky.

There are some smaller than him, but also and more quantity, some older. The colder there, but also many others lack. In any case, we owe our lives to this star. It's wonderful to see how all the ancient thinkers were attracted to the beautiful picture of heaven, and it spent the greatest part of their lives. Ie the study of the heavens which was called astronomy, which operates and large-scale dimensions. The use of common units would make permanent complex calculation. From there it is reminiscent of conventional units in accordance with the dimensions considered. The astronomical unit is the distance between earth and sun and is equal to 1. 4945. 108 km. The light year is the space traversed by a ray of light in one year and amounts to 6. 3310. 10 with the fourth power lifting astronomical units. Parsec is the distance from which is the radius of the Earth's orbit at an angle of a second light is equivalent to 3258 years. The sidereal day is the time lag between two consecutive overpasses of a star over the meridian of the place the solar day is longer than the sidereal day, as is the time taken for two consecutive steps of the center of the sun across the meridian of the place and here influences the translation of the earth.

(Movement around the sun) as the true solar day varies during the year, part of a mean solar day solar days all true. Empedocles has remained in history and will continue that thought intriguing. Of course if future generations continue to be wise and do not forget the wonderful picture of philosophy.

Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 2007 36 NEAR THE END: dear young people and teachers, is all that I had to say about the beautiful and very divine philosophy. I'll tell you an experience I had to close this conversation. Recently I met a man. Which was very learned in the past, but is now a more mediocre. Well Having been shared this simple work that also give you all. He said that it did not teach big deal. These phrases are men's dogmatic. My colleagues do not believe it. For these men, said to be critical. But in reality they are not as critical as they believe. For they deceive themselves and deceive others. My work does not tend to compete against the giants of thought of all the times. This work is dedicated especially to students in grades eight ninth tenth and eleven. And to all the hardworking teachers. Who, not labor for profit reasons, but rather for social causes. Beware of giving up cherished young teachers, all those dreams you have.

Because listening to the babbling of the mediocre. As is the case set before you. Because they are jealous by nature and training. Jose engineers tells of a beautiful glowing firefly very high, suddenly a frog jumps on it and cover it with ice cream belly. the firefly humbly asks why I tapas? The toad responds why you shine? The man who is set before you young people who during their lives, their parents are all in the hands extended. Continuously pampering. these exponents of mediocrity as they have had everything in hand, do not know, fierce and competitive society. Then all you babbling summary. I mean all, because those who have everything and not enough to have it all, they earn the privilege of having to follow. Not by oligarchies, or bourgeoisie. deserve because they are simple, gentle, pious and merciful. With all men. To you I dedicate this work. Therefore desist not dreaming. Have faith, and we will succeed.

SEIASA not, as the common denominator of the people whom love working for their bosses, who always exploit and it is not enough to consume them their entire lives. What if I tell you life can be bought with money? ! NO the years pass and not return. You only get one chance to be what you dream. Do not let it pass. The solution is not found in revolutions. Since all end in the same systems. The solution is in elections. Choose to be what makes you feel good, what makes you feel worthy. A if you can contribute to their society, because what do you do from the heart. For he does something you do with love heart. who does not exercise his profession with love is mediocre. And it does do so. This is bad if continued. Which affects and corrupts society day after day. Do not do what other, do what you love. That makes you sigh, but work on it so that SEIASA excellent.

To do this you have to follow certain procedures, these are: discipline, dedication and commitment. If you love your dream all this will be easy. Note: I appreciate warriors.



International Encyclopedic Dictionary five. Zamora SA nauta Publishing Ltd. 1995 edition Sophie's World. Joistein Gaarder. Translation, and Assumption Baggehun Kirsti Lorenzo. Norma Editorial Sa 1995 Axiomatic and geometry from Euclid to Hilbert and Bourbaki. Copyright by Alberto Campo Sanchez. National leadership of copyright. Book 10, Volume 24, Part 480 dated 5 V 1993 Metaphysics Aristotle. Printed in the workshops of modern graphics Colombia Bogota DC 1997 Policy Aristotle. Printed in the workshops of modern graphics Bogota DC Colombia 1993 Dialogues Plato. Printed in the workshops of modern graphics Bogota DC Colombia 1992 on the infinite universe and worlds Giordano Bruno. Aguilar Argentina SA 1981, this edition editions orbis sa sa sailor Dictionary of biographies. Edition 1993 History of Ancient Greece. By A. Denkoski. A. Berguer. And others. Sa Grijalbo 1996 by Philosophical Dictionary, under the direction of MM and PF Iudin Rosental, printed in the workshops of modern graphics. Bogota DC - Colombia 1999 Physics: Committee for the teaching of physics CEF.

1970 by the editorial policy. All rights reserved. The spirit of the law. The man of Carlos Luis de Secondat Montesquieu. Printed in the workshops of modern graphics Bogota DC. 2001 Paper presented at the logic of Masonic research and study. The Copernican Revolution (Volume II) Thomass Kuhn. 1978 Barcelona Ariel sa sa Orbis Library editions consultation practice the new millennium. Copyright Zamora Editora Ltda. 2001 Colombia. Preliminary lessons of philosophy. Manuel Garcia Morente. Printed in Colombia for modern graphics. Monadology D.C Bogota. Discourse on Metaphysics. The profession of faith of the philosopher. Aguilar S Argentina. A Edicones 1983. Orbis Publishing S. A Super color picture dictionary, Zamora. Edition 2001 38 Dictionary of Philosophy. Ferrater Jose Mora. Printed in Spain. 1998 - graphics workshops Hurope SA Dictionary of Philosophy. Leonor Martinez Echeverri. Hugo Martinez Echeverri. Window Editora Ltda. Dictionary of physics in January 1996 R 530. Issue 1 General Physics 03 simple experiments. Beatriz Alvarenga Alvares. Maximo Antonio Ribeiro da Luz copyright 1983 by Harlan S. A C.

V basic dictionary of scientists, David Millar, Ian Millar, John Millar, and Margo Miller, 1989 SA 1994 Editorial Tecnos Heaven and the universe. Pierre Kohler 1991 Editions Nathan (Paris) Spanish edition, Editorial Luis Vives Zaragoza 1992 Physics and Chemistry, multimedia ocean MCMXCVII S Ocean Publishing Group. A Milanesat 21

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Home Treatment for premature ejaculation, Permanent Results

First you must understand what happens to your body at the time of ejaculation. The male orgasm consists of two phases: first phase begins in the prostate gland surrounding the urethra, which is placed in the form of a circle over the base of the penis. prostate gland shrinks and liquid releases, along with the contents of the seminal vesicle to the urethra.

The second phase occurs when the muscle contracts the pelvic force around the perineum, forcing the fluid under considerable pressure.

Men should be aware that it is possible to ejaculate without having an orgasm and vice versa (dry orgasm), orgasm and ejaculation is something mental is physical.


The good news is that this problem is easy to treat, because the man is willing to help, investing time and effort required. The first step for the removal and premature ejaculation is becoming more familiar with it. They are comfortable with your body, notice what feelings and sensitivities that lead to orgasm. They must learn and be able to predict when the orgasm will occur. This will avoid the surprise of having an orgasm without realizing it. This will help you understand what it takes to avoid getting to that point where no return.


Many people are not aware, but proper breathing helps develop control over ejaculation. This is because by doing some deep breaths to help you relax and relieve the sexual tension that leads to premature ejaculation. Practice deep breathing and relax the whole the body.


Communication is another essential key to consider sex to be of long duration. Let your partner know when you're about to ejaculate and what you can or can not stand. This involves verbalization, and nonverbal acts are often misunderstood. Words such as "A", "Hoo!" or "More" are obvious choices and short words are acceptable and meaningful.


Another cause of premature ejaculation is anxiety, fear or discomfort with your partner. Premature ejaculation is less likely to occur when couples know each other well and feel comfortable with each other. And if the couples are in a relaxed, no problem with contraception.

Want A Free Guide on techniques to cure premature ejaculation?

Please visit our website to learn all about premature ejaculation

Website: CurarEyaculacionPrecoz.blogspot.com

Halls Decoration

If you are thinking how to decorate your home in a way that gives you more space, or specifically how to decorate a hall and corridors, here we will give you a few tips for first lograrlo.Lo is no reason to maintain the same design style and decoration that dominates the rest of the home (eg for kitchens here have ideas for small kitchens), you can take to give vivid color to the area, if you use furniture should be small so as not to hinder the transit through areas where there reduced, or near the doors, something suitable for this location are the furnishings with several levels of shelves to store your valuables or foldable to occupy very little space, debees take into account the correct use of mirrors can help give more luminosity per example if you put in front of a window to take advantage of the reflected light toward the environment and to give you a feeling of spaciousness and clarity, we can also put pictures to decorate the walls, always using light, neutral colors and returning to the lighting you can use floor lamps to illuminate the area indirectly if a confined space can instead choose to coordinate several sconces to illuminate a larger area that can have the corridor or hallway light cial fib to make it more comfortable the environment're redecorando.La utilization of flowers can be a complementary measure that gives a touch of freshness also very important in this case we recommend using indoor plants and flowers that do not require excessive care.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kids & Parents Facing Divorce

The majority of separated or divorced couples with children and children to see their family torn apart at any moment may become confused and frightened because they see their personal safety. Life is changing and there are children who come to blame for the divorce of their parents.

Parents should explain to their children that their divorce is due to issues completely apart from them, that the family will be different but who love and want forever, so that will give security to face the new situation. Many parents are unaware that their children are most important in their lives but also among the concerns of the effect of divorce on their children and their own problems. This remains calm their minds and time with their children for adequate communication between them, which is essential at this stage.

Divorce creates crisis in the family, each parent can be in various ways, ie, sad, overwhelmed, happy, and so on., Because each is affected differently, your personality can change. Some parents seek solace in their injured children and the children meanwhile have also changes. There are children that aim to reconcile his parents feel guilty, watch in silence or become aggressive, others become ill and psychological problems.

This crisis will not have psychological consequences as long as they handle the situation calmly. Parents should try to stick together to make their children feel safe and able to face this new situation.

Parents should pay attention to signs that give their children about their emotional state and stress can destroy. Young children become aggressive, sensitive, rebellious or withdrawn, while older children have feelings of sadness, abandonment, neglect, etc.., Which is reflected in school performance and behavior.

The worst is when parents fail to make a divorce on good terms, which creates problems of self-esteem and social relationships of children. The aim is that both parents and children can go at least hurt of divorce.

Parents must agree peacefully in financial, custody, etc.. The constant bickering and indifference hijos.Los perceived by the parents should not put their children against their spouse or pressure them to manipulate their cónyuge.Los Parents must keep their parental roles, both during the divorce process and after the divorce. If you notice that your child is affected by divorce, it will be necessary to consult a child psychologist.

Facades of houses 2

The exterior of the house is a guide that will give the image that people will respect your home. No overburden to decorate the facade you can make it home is presentable and neat.

If you are thinking of decorating the facade of a space outside your home, there are a number of steps that should be considered:

The color of the facade of the house depends on your personal taste and you must ensure that no clashes with the rest of the neighborhood. While white is the most widely used today for walls can choose from a wide range of colors that are too loud avoiding. The gateway can have your decorative element, for example if wood can be shaped with a deep design, if you decide to iron, the wrought-iron supports different reasons and if the option is glass, selected according to the type design will be placed. The glass cathedral is an interesting option because it can not see inside or outside of the house and presented drawings of flowers, petals, geometric, and so on. If you have a front garden can incorporate both small plants and shrubs, you just have to keep in mind if you have the driveway their distribution will be made by taking care not to interfere with that space. As these items and decorations may vary depending on your personal taste. Space and avoid penalties for selected elements harmonize with the style of the house.

As an example, a small fountain, hanging plants and a lamp are elements that go well with the exterior facade. If you have a fence dividing the natural tones of wood is always in effect. If your house has bars of considerable height can plant some vines, flowers if you have better, to breathe life into a material so cold. Another decorative element is to give way to shrubs by pruning, and that is at stake your creativity.

Whether to renew the image or simply because you want to change the decor, not lose sight of that, beyond personal taste, it is desirable that the house is in harmony with the rest of the houses.

Posted 11.06.2009 by Mclaudia painting, tip of the day | Comments (4)

The decor of our home is varied and not just about interiors, but also outside. To paint the front of our house, we must consider several points, so that our home look radiant appearance and last for some time despite the ravages of weather.

To achieve a neat look and durable, we need to take some tips that will give a better finish to the painting of our home. It is important to understand our style when choosing the colors you will use to blend with the decor of the interior.


The first point is to measure the walls that we painted. We take the surface and the base multiplied by height in this way we get the square footage of the area. Similarly if we have a triangular area, we measured the surface and multiply the base times the height, taking into account that the height is half the sum of the sides.

Having measures in each area we know how much paint you need to keep us from missing. That being the case, we would need to make a new mix that will not be identical to the original color, giving off-key finish our facade.


Similarly, if we are on Painting, lose money, because the material it is made tends to decompose or dry.

Once you have the measurements of the area to paint, you should look on the package, the performance of the paint to see how much you need.

The second point is to have at hand all the necessary tools to remove old paint, such as chemical strippers and spatulas. Do not forget to wear a mask to protect you from the strong odors emanating from them even in the same painting. To paint on high areas should provide you with a ladder safely and avoid accidents.


Removing the old paint, we proceed to match with failing cement or special putty for exterior use. Then we sand the wall to have it perfect and smooth.

To avoid moisture problems in your walls you can use patching compounds or Moisture Paste waterproof to protect your paint. There are other compounds that you can use, you must observe the instructions for use so that you get good results.

Another important tip is the use of fixative or sealer will not absorb the paint and off color.

Before you start painting covering the floors, plating, metal fixtures and windows. If you're going to combine 2 colors on the same wall, you can separate the areas with special adhesive.

Finally, there are different colors you can take into account or new effects you can apply, just keep in mind the style of your home so you do not make combinations that you can repent

Facades of houses

What is a divorce settlement?

During a divorce, each spouse must have his own lawyer, as this will assist in the development of the divorce settlement.

In the most basic level, this type of agreement is a specific solution to the division of assets, debts and liabilities. Although they are also living arrangements and custody of children.

A divorce settlement is often preceded by a separation agreement. The separation agreement is made when a couple agrees to separate for a period to determine if divorce is the next step. Many of these details will be included in the separation agreement, which can lead to a divorce settlement process much faster if the couple decides to divorce.

In general, one spouse is the first to file for divorce and that is when the divorce settlement will begin to be created. Each spouse will meet with your attorney to discuss your wishes for a divorce, which can include such things as the sale of a house and division of profits, division of retirement accounts, checking accounts and savings and possessions such as furniture and automobiles, as well as alimony and spousal support.

Custody of children is always a big part of a divorce settlement. The divorce settlement can include anything but, of course, everyone has to sign and to be agreed.

This negotiation process can be faster if both partners are ready to compromise and agree, or it may take months or years.

The lawyer's job is to protect each individual's interests and offer advice. Are likely to develop multiple drafts of the agreement. These are just some of the issues that need to be considered when trying to reach a divorce settlement.

Once both parties and their attorneys have agreed to the items specified in the divorce settlement agreement, the agreement may be signed.

It may be necessary to go to court and have certain elements determined by a judge if the couple agrees. The laws vary from state to state, divorce can be effective immediately upon signature of the agreement, or may be a period of reflection that may last a few months. The agreement can not be changed once it is signed.

Discovering Women Symptoms Infidels

"They play with fire because they may fall in love with her lover."

It is a fact that in relationships, not only the man can dare to get up to the plate, unfaithful to their partners or adorn the head, etc, etc. The woman may also be unfaithful and, according to experts, with greater abilities to hide his deception so-called "stronger sex."

"Men cheat more than women, with women better." The couples therapist Seravia Manuel Oliver, director of the Gestalt Institute Lima, argues that female infidelity, the most common reasons are revenge, spite and resentment (some serve the sentence: fool me, with the first pass you I'll be unfaithful). There is also the emotional abandonment, the need to feel desired (not only for pleasure but for some ego so they can use seduction as a game and no plan, ending in a relationship) and a low tolerance for loneliness (especially if the relationship is at a distance). "Women are more careful and hide his infidelity than men, also not altered their sexual performance. Not necessarily to be unfaithful for love or because the other is better than your partner. You may have occasional sexual encounters with those who feel bieny like, without strong emotional bond. But, unlike the male, she usually seeks romance, so depending on the duration of your infidelity, you may end up falling for her lover, "he said Saravia. But whatever the reasons, it is necessary to take the place of the person deceived and understand your pain, disappointment and annoyance at being a victim of infidelity.

However, there is one golden rule: "Nobody is smart enough to leave no trace ...". In this sense we can add that "none are so blind to see." Subtle changes in behavior, discreet phone calls, extended absences than usual, often go unnoticed for who does not consciously realize that something different is invading the couple's life.

Here are common signs that an affair is taking place or about to begin:

Common symptoms of female infidelity:

- Joy for no apparent reason in the middle of your routine.

- Permanent sarcasm or irony in the dialogue partner.

- Indifference to the imminent breakup of the relationship.

- Constant output with friends, more than usual.

- Loss of sexual interest and even rejection of intimacy with your partner.

- Dedication to look attractive to leave.

Eye: The presence of all these, do not represent any guarantee that you are committing an infidelity. But forced to open their eyes, pay attention and prevent future disruptions in the couple.

Know that: When a man discovers his wife is unfaithful, it is important to know if the other is more beautiful, more passionate, if you have more money, etc.., In an effort to compare. However, if the woman is deceived, often ask how you love her?, How long have you with her?.

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How to Get Your Woman - 3 Simple Steps To Want You To It Once More

Losing someone you love is one of the most painful experiences you can ever have. It falls into great confusion, we try to do everything and when you feel that nothing is possible, all other things seem meaningless. We have two options: accept the separation and try to live with this new situation or do something to bring back the loved one. If you have you decided for the latter option, before you want to know how to get your woman. Here we present a simple program consisting of three steps that will tell you how to get your woman.

- Take advantage of the separation to give you time: in this first stage the aim is to prepare. Imagine you are a warrior and you're about to fight a battle. Surely it will usually be physically and mentally train for victory. Similarly, before attempting anything with your ex-girlfriend, you should prepare yourself physically and mentally, get yourself a gym or other physical activity that makes you stay in shape, dress and get the look handsome. Go find new hobbies, cultural interests or make you feel good and be busy. Find yourself a rich life to arouse interest in it.

- Leave her alone for abstinence trying to revive the desire in it: nothing is less attractive than an insecure man that is marketed as a table, as they say some women. Concentrate on yourself and your new hobbies. Show that you can live an interesting life without it. Give space and time to get to miss you.

- Return attractive and desirable, but without yielding to it: after letting time pass without you see it, surely she will begin to feel that you need. Surely you will miss you too, but not show it. Look for an opportunity to match somewhere, perhaps with mutual friends. Show yourself happy to see her, ask her how she is, but do not tell all of you. General purpose I know of your new activities, suspected and let her give you discover you like.

The more you resist will remain choppy and more interest you will grow. Do not give in to the first, but if the second or third.

On the next page you'll learn some tricks to get your ex back. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again. If you want to learn how to get your ex back quickly, Click Here

Tricks to win back a man not Want You To Know

How many women has happened to his men to abandon them? A lot. And how many men have returned with their wives? Many more. So stop feeling miserable because your partner left you, you're not the only woman and it happens, there are many tricks to win back a man.

One tip that can be very useful is to become her friend. Show that you leave behind past problems, you can listen and be understanding. Being your friend has many advantages, on the one hand he can see you're a person centered, balanced, able to overcome adversity. To achieve this you must always behave calmly, talk without dramatics, listening closely to everything he has to say and try to understand it, putting in place. On the other hand, if you get him to trust you, you are aware of what happens in your life, if he met someone else, or how they are feeling is the time. When he realizes that the relationship you may be good, will want to be your partner.

Another of the tricks to win back a man whose good results have been proven countless times, is to resume your social life, ie, participate in outings and gatherings with friends, and maybe flirt a little with some other man. In this way, your ex will realize that you are able to continue with your life, and that there may be other men interested in you, and you will not hesitate to return.

Finally, you have to be patient and avoid despair, because that will help you regain it, quite the contrary. If he notices that are dying to be his girlfriend again, you may not consider returning to you.

There is a strategy that has been proven to get your ex boyfriend without all the drama.

Click Here to make your ex boyfriend want you back.

Monday, July 23, 2012

How to Get Your Ex Husband - Back To Your Love, Leave pride aside and take the first step

Sometimes our immaturity and pride foster our own sorrows when you want to know how to get your ex husband was ourselves who caused the rupture or utter in a moment of irritation, "I do not want to be with you" but the truth is not what we want .

The basis of this case is that wonder how to get your ex husband repentance is present and all our mistakes together to produce this effect, also the love she has for the boy who is now your ex, you have to recover but surely thou wilt not do it.

When there is no decision to recognize that you were wrong or that he is still waiting for anyone trying to reconquistarte reconciliation will become more difficult. If you fear that you apologize to these underestimates, are totally wrong.

Greatly influences safety, ask for forgiveness is the only way to return to your husband, you are probably hurt and do not try it first, no matter the time of the intent to show him how to rush and that they must improve things.

If pride is because it gets inside you know that this kid just cause you harm and not good for you or you really need to mature to understand that love and forgiveness are allies to unite people and compassion for others makes you better and not worse.

How to get your ex husband after only depends on two simple arguments, without much effort you can get to solve the problems being honest with each other, to the next before you say something you do not want to think about it, of any bad mood contabilízalo and compare with the best moments you spend next to your love and so have no excuse to harm another person.

There is a strategy that has been proven to get your ex boyfriend without all the drama.

Click Here to make your ex boyfriend want you back.

No Medical Treatment for Tinnitus - What are your options?

Sadly, today there is no insurance fire cure for tinnitus. People who suffer from tinnitus often resort to over-the-counter medicines, herbs, homeopathy and tinnitus home remedies with the hope of reducing the tinnitus symptoms.

The problem with OTC medications are causing side effects such as nausea, dizziness, constipation, loss of control, burnout.

Also suffer frustration may seek relief from herbal remedies like black cohosh or ginkgo biloba is said to improve blood circulation in the upper body and therefore reduce the severity of tinnitus. However, tinnitus is not medicinal herbs are the treatment of the disease at its root, but gives only minor relief.

Recently, homeopathy seems to be one of the ways most effective treatment alternative for many tinnituspacientes, but not all genuine gain relief with that too. The only solution left is caserospara tinnitus remedies.

Do home remedies really work? Well, tinnitus home remedies can be effective only if the appeal is directed at the underlying causes of tinnitus. For this it is necessary first to determine what causes tinnitus.

The causal factor could be a factor of one or more co-existence of problems that lead to tinnitus.

Some of the important factors that lead to tinnitus include:

- Regular exposure to loud noises, such as listening to MP3 player or iPod at high volume levels. - Deterioration of the fine structure of nerves involved in hearing. - The middle ear infection, the accumulation wax in the ears. - Certain jaw joint problems. - Prolonged use of anticancer drugs, NSAIDs, loop diuretics and certain. - tumors, growths or near the ears allergies.

Home Remedies For Tinnitus commonly used are:

Gingko biloba - to help the blood flow and promote better circulation in the head and neck region, provides relief to the condition of a more positive way.

Coenzyme Q10, taken at a dose of 300 mg a day, also helps improve blood circulation in the upper body and strengthening the immune system, which in turn, provide relief for tinnitus.

Raw garlic taken daily can also offer a respite from tinnitus.

Home remedies for tinnitus work very well, provided it is used concomitantly with holistic treatments. Remember, if the cause of tinnitus is not, it is impossible to achieve significant relief of tinnitus. While some tinnitus home remedies seem to reduce symptoms, the relief is short lived. The symptoms return when you stop using the medicine.

Holistic remedies, on the other hand, treating the body as a whole, compared with only rarely a symptom of tinnitus. The symptoms are basically the way the condition is expressed. The holistic approach to the treatment of tinnitus is to go thoroughly to find all the causes of tinnitus only appropriate treatments can be specified. Holistic Treatments include changing what you eat and your lifestyle in general, the use of acupuncture and acupressure, if necessary, in addition to appropriate range of exercises. read more


Control fleas on your pet naturally

Fleas are something that every pet owner has to worry about! Anyone who owns a cat or dog has probably experienced the battle against fleas, a task that proved easier said than done! But fleas are a huge problem for our pets.

Not only bite and cause hours of frustration, can cause other serious problems such as tapeworm infestations, flea dermatitis and in severe cases, anemia.

What makes the fleas so incredibly difficult to control is their amazing resilience. A female flea can lay over 2000 eggs in her life that mean that the infestation can occur quickly, and eggs can survive for months in the environment simply awaiting an appropriate host. For this reason it is essential to control both fleas on your pet and the fleas in the environment. Perfect for areas include sand fleas, bed, floor and carpet.

Natural Remedies

Many pets develop an allergy to flea bites where a single bite can cause severe itching and discomfort for many days. When this occurs, the natural remedies can help soothe aggravated skin and itchy .

German Chamomile is an herb that has been used for centuries to cleanse the skin. Marigold also works well as it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and helps prevent infection with its anti-bacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Other herbs such as knives and Witchhazel have also proven beneficial and have strong soothing properties and restorative.

There is also
natural cleansing herbal shampoo for dogs using only proven ingredients, natural , supporting a residual deterrent effect, anti-mosquito, anti-flea and anti-fly as it encourages and supports the skin healthy layers.


Functions of cholesterol

Cholesterol is essential to life for its many functions:

1.Estructural: cholesterol is a major component of the plasma membranes of the animals (there is in plants). Although cholesterol is found in small amounts in cell membranes in the cytoplasmic membrane are in a 1:1 molar ratio with respect to the phospholipids, regulating their physicochemical properties, including fluency. However, cholesterol is found in very low proportion or is not involved in subcellular membranes.

2.Precursor of vitamin D essential for calcium metabolism.

3.Precursor of sex hormones: progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.

Corticosteroid hormones 4.Precursor of: cortisol and aldosterone.

5.Precursor of bile salts, essential in the absorption of some nutrients and lipid main route for excretion of cholesterol the body.

6.Precursor of lipid rafts.

What is it and how to control cholesterol

Both the excess blood cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), such as obesity, physical inactivity, high blood pressure and snuff, facilitate serious disease of circulatory diseases. If several of these factors add up in one person, the predisposition to the disease is triggered above is much higher.

should take into account these other "risk factors"

Although today the word 'cholesterol' is full of negative connotations associated with poor nutrition, and obesity cardiovasulares problems, in reality it is a necessary element for our body. The important thing is to know what it is, how it works and when it is detrimental to health.

Cholesterol is not nothing but a fat, a lipid specifically involved in many important physiological processes such as cellular, digestive, and in synthesizing hormones,

among other functions.

Our liver is capable of producing cholesterol the body needs. However, through food, we can receive an additional amount of this substance that, in many instances, is detrimental to health, especially for the heart. The origin of the increase in blood is derived mainly from the increase of the unsaturated fats in the diet, from foods with fat.

What should I eat if I have high cholesterol

In these cases, once the doctor Dectect an excess of this substance in the blood,

usually puts the patient regarding diet retrictiva fat intake. specialists recommend not only make life less sedentary, but to improve the diet with increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, rich in nutrients, fiber and fat

Also, eating more foods with unsaturated fats such as fish, skinless chicken-and-vegetable oils such as olive and seed (corn, sunflower). Should not miss high-fiber whole grains and cereals, rice, beans and pasta.

It usually suppress all foods with saturated fat: red meat, pork, lamb, cold meats, cheese and butter fat. Products with excess sugar and calories are also deleted (chocolate, pastries, sauces, pates), and those who are direct sources of cholesterol, egg yolk, some offal products and shellfish.

Excess salt and spices should also be avoided. And with it, preserves and preparations abuse of these condiments. Although not removed from the diet, you should moderate your intake of coffee, tea, soft drinks and milk (skim is best to use only). We must also get used to drinking lots of water throughout the day and needed at meals, and chew slowly and salivate well.

Regardless of diet, smoking or drinking alcohol are two other harmful habits of our life we ​​must eradicate if we want to have a hard cardio.

For more information visit

www.todoenmedicamentos.com - www.todoenmedicamentos.info

All information you provide is general in nature, remember that this information alone can not replace health care or human services you may need.

Just provide an information and reference, please consult the health professional who deals with any concerns about your own health.