Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Listen and go with the Soul

Joshua Bell is a very famous violinist, who gave a small concert in a Washington subway station. The experiment was conducted in February 2007, at 8 o'clock. During the forty minutes that Joshua Bell played pieces by Bach, only got a few coins on alms and only a few metro users, they stopped a few minutes to listen carefully to this exceptional musician. The rest of the citizens at that time traveled corridors running through the subway, next to the violinist spent going to work, without paying attention to the music of a violin out of 3 million euros touched by an extraordinary musician who filled worldwide concert halls, and whose incomes generally sell out quickly. Apparently only one woman not only got really interested in the quality of the music, but even recognized the interpreter and told him he had heard, and remembered him as a wonderful concert. What happened to all the people who moved through the station? Do not come to perceive the extraordinary beauty of the music coming from the Stradivarius?

Do not you realize? How many things happen around us that we do not understand? How many of us claimed that they had that opportunity? Or are we so concerned about our list of duties that we even realize what is happening around us? How many times I ask God things and opportunities that are around us and not even notice them?

We wrap both in the everyday concerns in resolving the daily problems we are leaving aside those dreams and hopes, plans for when we can, but always new situations that deal and again and again put off those plans and dreams .

"When a person does not perceive something does not mean that something does not exist, but have not seen him." (Rabbi M. Walles). Do we really had no opportunities? Or did not see them go or not because objectively we were not prepared or pending or engaged in "urgent matters".

If we are not aware of what we have, what is all around us and we do not stop for a moment to listen to the music: the self, our thoughts, our balance sheet, see opportunities, appreciate what you have around, realize which is next to you, with their music and what you can do and what other help we will be losing things?

"The human being is a composite of body and soul. Consequently, all our affairs and activities contain elements of body and soul - the material and spiritual. Mundane and routine activities in general are motivated by material gain and physical. However the "soul" of all these physical matters required to be recognized - the awareness that there are higher goals and a higher purpose. Each of us is a microcosm of all creation. Achieving harmony in one's own soul and material life is the achievement of harmony between heaven and earth ". (The Rebbe). Life has a higher level than the daily routine is to impregnate each task with a higher dimension than the simple action of the task done. Do not disregard your chance to be what you can achieve, listen, see, perceive and you'll realize how special and lucky you, understand the opportunities that life presents. Do not miss opportunities to be entertained, busy, preoccupied or asleep.

God wants you to be able to perceive what is within us and around us and above all to hear and see through the soul.

Nelly Klein kaufman

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