Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gabriel Method Principles

There are three principles in the Gabriel method (the only program to lose weight without dieting) I would like to share with you:

1. Do not remove food, add foods to your diet: Jon talks about all the essential nutrients to add to your diet. Distinguish between food "processed" food and "live" like fruits and vegetables. At the beginning this can be very difficult for some people. So, Jon recommended only add these foods to your current diet or food. For example, if you're eating a pizza add a fresh salad to it. When you start feeding your body with the nutrients you need, cravings for "junk food" will stop naturally and this is much more powerful force will.

2. Addressing the mental aspect of weight loss:

The Gabriel method does a fantastic job in addressing the mental aspect of losing weight. Recognizes that the weight loss has to be a mind-body effort, because mental stress causes chemical responses make the body gain weight.

You also need to do some reprogramming the subconscious level to succeed in losing weight long term. No change negative beliefs and inner blocks are the reason why "diet" does not work and is often a temporary weight loss and not definitive.

3. The display method Gabriel:

In their method Jon Gabriel uses relaxation and visualization. As part of the Gabriel method involves listening to an audio relaxation before bedtime. The audio is a guided meditation that helps relax the body and reduce stress (remember that stress chemicals can cause weight gain). But the audio does much more than that, it also fills you with affirmations and visualization techniques to help reprogram your body image, your relationship with food and any negative beliefs about yourself / a you may have. Upon hearing these claims in a state of relaxation and get more powerful impact on your subconscious.

I've never known any weight loss program that incorporates something so powerful in its program.

Addressing the mental aspect of why people have weight problems is something not addressed in any weight loss program. And it is obviously part of the underlying cause of weight problems for many people and correct this is a big step toward maintaining your healthy body weight.

In my blog about Gabriel Method find out why is the only program to lose weight without dieting. Find interesting videos, success stories, articles ...

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