Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dude, not to cosign A Nobody

Colleagues, not to cosign ANYONE

Emilio Alberto Restrepo Baena

In conversation with some colleagues, we conclude that over time you lose a lot of friendships that had been fed through the years. What are the causes? We try to clarify several: Being disloyal traitor, Conchudo, gossip or opportunistic, or being bluff and using a little politically correct candor, saying things that were true unbuttoned, play egos.

Or do nothing, unless the affections of the woman's friend (for example when he gets into her head that an acolyte a romance, or rumba became drunk or by a bad influence. Or why not like about one's wife for any valid reason or not, you go to try to understand women, their skills, logic)

Or having started from a common origin, have more success, money, fame or recognition that the companion and discover that it is able to rejoice and contain an envy, a mother of many ruptures.

Or simply changing the common interests (eg riding lessons on weekends in the East, purchase of land and their respective maintenance), different hobbies, change in neighborhood or city, overwork, a graduate, chronic fatigue, illness themselves or relatives, and many other causes.

But there was one in which there was consensus, there is recurrent and so unfair: When being good will and solidarity, one to cosign a friend and they do not pay the debt falls on you. Friendship is damaged and lost money. And always the bad guy ends up being one: the bad friend, the inconsequential, the miser, the lack of solidarity, the HP

Previously, the word was and agreed commitments were respected until the end. Act as surety for a friend in trouble, it was an honor honoring friendship, sealed a pact that created indissoluble links accomplice, sisters for their highly symbolic and practical. If there were difficulties, in a sincere dialogue, with no pretense of hiding dark interests, the people gave the face, explained the origin of its arrears and somehow things were solved. In any commitment is fulfilled, even giving appreciated property within the family. But look bad to a friend, ever, was unthinkable.

Things have changed. In the rush of consumerism and ostentatious, people embark on credit can not assume that he knows or suspects that ultimately will not be able to cover. And knowing that, stapled to a friend in a project known to have high risk of ending in failure.

Upon arriving at the time of default, or way of thinking about returning the car late model or sound equipotential supermodern or apartment two layers above the possibilities: call the co-signer, what gives papaya, I was taught that served papaya, papaya food, that guy has a lot of money. And what you think happens to the phone, face, to commit to a payment plan.

And the saddest thing that one rant with friends, which showed copper, which he saw above misery, which did not quite rise to the occasion, who failed to show solidarity with a friend in disgrace. And the end: Put it as you want, fix as it may, by hook or by crook, but I did not call back.

It is one of the floor, all look at him reproachfully, with fame and without gender, without a friend and I have to assume the debt. When not reported to credit bureaus or legal problems with attachments included.

And that is the message given to the children: What matters is the consumer brand, build things, you see the progress. No matter where a friend was lying on the road, which is the camaraderie of years, that children can no longer walk or play or meet for the meanness of his parents put the kibosh on concepts that do not seem to value the friendship .

And it is repetitive. It occurs frequently. No matter what stratum. No experience is worth. No one experiences a head of others. No matter the warnings from small instill him at some point it's the turn one. Convenience stores were very wise in this: "Today I trust, tomorrow another? "That trust is now, came to collect from yesterday come tomorrow?, Said the signs to warn that only sold for cash, people are poor pay, which are a credit to ask for lambs, but to pay are a wild beasts.

And knowing all that, it happens several times the same, with people free from all suspicion of personal and moral solvency apparently blameless. But when the conflict occurs, the thing burst on the weaker side: the asshole is always one, paid without question, when he signed as guarantor (the technical word is now co-signer, much more explicit and demanding, puts one in the same footing with the owner of the obligation) you know that potentially would have to respond. And that is, pay for idiot, I put those orphaned calf eyes and beheaded, you have a lot of money, or to which friendship stories, ar Bisnes Bisnes, pay once and not complain so much and my God ruéguele some days you are not the loser, fucking starving, cramp, agony, cagalástimas, malamigo.

And life goes on. The breakneck pace is relentless. People come and go. Tallone in spirit, memories, nostalgia, lost innocence, trust, hard hit. And in the other, consciousness undisturbed, peaceful sleep, zero reproaches in the world are. And every month going to reconcile with the lawyers of the financial institution, payment of money that you will not be spent. O yes, it's spent on friendship, trust, consideration. What happens is that the cost is high. Are zero and four. Quiet is not the last time, do not say I did not tell you for the idiot did not invent anything, you still have much to learn, which many stumbling stones.

And then turn resign, remember that the decency not sold in supermarkets, that the honor you have or do not have and sometimes a supposed friendship has a high price. And you have to pay for it with ticket strips and heart.


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