Monday, July 16, 2012

4 Facts About The Work-Personal Conciliation

Although much has been written about work-life balance is not original and revisit the issue, the truth is that many readers have asked me to help on that and also there is little original and the overload of information we have, ¿ right? So today I tell you what you can do to reconcile your work and family life and personal. This is what I have learned with my experience (and why I have a long way to go!)

There is no universal definition of work-personal balance. Many people feel that there is a balance between work and personal life, but I disagree, there does exist but it is different for each person. So there you advice that will not solve anything because other people do. What is clear is that there is a formula or recipe universal solution x + y = happy balance. Each person has circumstances, priorities and different needs and that you have to rely on your own. It's something I mention in almost all of my articles, and it is essential, you need to know your values, priorities and needs right now (we know that will vary over time, but what we're worried about this) to determine how best to combine work and personal life for you and your family. And do not get bogged down if you think your neighbor is happy and you do not, what makes someone else happy does not necessarily make you happy.

If you do not know what you want, you will get hard (and if you succeed you will not know). How do you strike a balance unless you know what it is for you? So it responds when you talk about combining your work and personal life, what do you mean exactly? What would you consider a healthy balance? What combination would make you feel satisfied? Maybe it is not as difficult as you think but you had not thought about it until now.

Be realistic and start with what you have. Analyze your schedule and availability, and think how you could use the time you have. Remember that quality rather than quantity. Not having all the free afternoon you reconcile your life that if you only have a couple of hours. It seems illogical but I tell you from experience that when you're not sure what you want and not well organized, rather than waste time to take advantage of things that would make you feel good. In fact the more busy you are, the more you do, have not you noticed? So instead of thinking that just two hours off and not going to give you time to do anything, take advantage of it! There are long periods of time needed to feel good, one quarter of an hour reading on the couch is enough to relax, a yoga class in half an hour, a 20-minute walk with your partner, half an hour of undivided attention to your child. If your time, start with that little time is better than nothing. I say to use the time in the car to listen to your favorite music or a teleclass, or hang food chatting with your mates, eating outdoors, reading a book or just doing nothing, you most relax.

Enjoy every moment.

Make changes. It is obvious, but you do not, and so much you complain you will not achieve anything. What do you want more time for yourself or your family or both? Well put to work, organize the day, delegates least, creates systems to make your life easier (menus for meals, all on the same day errands, etc), put limits on your work and say no to people and projects, agrees that the days are not enough hours to do everything you want and choose the activities and people you want to be part of it. Easy is not, but if you see well worth pursuing.

At the end is a matter of elections, there are many things that can be postponed without causing drama, you have to do is dare to set limits, to say I have come here and tomorrow. In summary, I recommend this: define what is balance for you, enjoy the free time you have (however slightly) to do things that give you energy and help balance, get to work and leaves room for what really you care.

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