Wednesday, July 11, 2012

... As bread bakers do not sell


Bread Talk is talk of God, grandmothers used to say: "In the bread is the face of God? and who tried to leave pieces or throw away was an offense to God.

Grandmothers who thought the attitude of the bakers, who see the production of bread and profit pressure mechanism for the government to justify the higher price and shortages in the markets and shops?

Just to remember my grandmother or my mother for not calling finish eating bread makes me anger, because this morning I found a marraqueta even for breakfast but of course, bakers seem to not have a grandmother who taught them the meaning of bread for God, or is that bakers believe to be God?

The truth is that, for the poor bread is the daily food or perhaps in some cases single day for granted that bakers do not care about the poor, the bread they need to accumulate wealth.

I also remembered that my grandmother used to say: "child is born, brings bread under his arm?, Now that is not my grandmother, my reality says" every child born, brings hungry?, Ah! if my grandmother were alive, would certainly bakers praying three Hail Marys, two Our Fathers and one conceived without sin, to hide and raise the price of bread.

Of course not spare the Minister of Production and Microenterprise Celinda Sosa, for not taking pre-war estimates generated by the increase in the price of bread and bakers and traders speculation, it seems that the Minister this time the battle bread given war.

Hopefully, the planned quota of flour does not end until December and again in September speculators leave us without our marraqueta, however, confess to God that I eventually consume cassava flour products, Dad, cookies, or some other product to replace my favorite bread, my attempts were futile because the coffee this morning was not the same without the marraqueta.

The only thing left to say, God save us from the bakers who profit from the people's hunger.

Nela Tamayo


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