Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Public Service, Private Service

I'll have two examples of how things work in our country, of course, non-generalize, but on the contrary, I would be the first to be delighted that I will relate this to be exceptions. Case a) I will make the City management, I just have to issue a receipt (and is for the City Council to collect them!). The schedule customer / citizen is until two in the afternoon, and arrived there before quarter. This is the scenario: You must be a dozen tables to the public, of which one or two are empty, a are on a girl, and the rest looks a poster of "out of service?, although officials are sitting there. Beyond it is another group of people in animated conversation, but they should not serve the public. Finally, turn in line, but in addition to the girl already attending, only one person ahead of me, so there is no problem (in principle) However, in terms of meeting this girl, the only official providing the service decides that's enough for today, are the two least ten, and sits at the table of another partner to talk.

The other guy and I looked in amazement. We now have ten tables, and serves no! Time passes and hope come two in the afternoon. Since there seem intent to attend, I decide to approach one of the officials with the sign out of service. Error, big mistake I speak to him politely, even though by now I was beginning to get a little irritated. Raise your head, angry at me, and making a great show (no joke), responds angrily to my question: I have no idea, but no idea ... Of course, normal, if it was bothering him, to whom it happens. Case b) A month ago my wife went with a snack bar that we occasionally for years. We got on the terrace, there were too many people, and it was fine. It took an eternity to attend, although there was no excess of clientele, and forgot to bring one of the things we requested, when we were going, because it was late, they remember and bring us, but yes, we apologize for forgetting. Last Saturday we return to sting, despite the redundancy.

We happen to think that maybe the service was not good because we sat on the terrace, and you know, the wait between entering and leaving ... So this time we decided to have a drink on the premises. But it is even worse. Here we are over half an hour until a decent waiter come to take note for the first time, and despite the fact that there are not many customers (we fully understand why, given the service they provide). Then it happens again bring another eternity until one of the rations. From there to a good time, another waiter comes and tells us that we can bring the squid that we have asked, because they are finished. But if we take more than an hour there, you still have realized now? In conclusion, I have this bar clear why not go back, and why not recommend it not only positively, but speak of him in a negative sense (that said, it is clear why he has many clients) In the case of Hall, unfortunately I can not choose another, is there not a way to get citizens / clients can be adequately cared for?

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