Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Calculate Your BMI

The body mass index, commonly known as BMI is a calculation that allows to know the relationship between weight and height. This method was proposed by the WHO (World Health Organization) and is currently used as the safest in determining whether a person has a normal weight, overweight or obese. Importantly, results not provide absolute or ideal weight, it only gives an indication of the condition of the person and does not distinguish between important factors such as body type, gender and activity level. The calculation is very simple to make and the result should be compared in a table of easy interpretation. BMI = weight / (height ²) ie if you weigh 120 kg. and its height is 1.70m will calculate as follows:

BMI = 120 / (1.70 m²) BMI = 120 / 2.89 Your BMI is 41.52. Upon receipt of this number, you must compare in the following table:? Normal body mass index 18.5 to 25.5 Overweight 25 to 27 to 30 27.0 Obesity I Obesity II III 31.0 to 34 35.0 to 39 Obesity Obesity IV More 40Los always ends bad, so keep your weight well below the normal or overweight have a too high are signs of poor health and disease. The underweight carries diseases such as severe anemia, lack of calcium and other nutrients, causes fatigue, faintness, hypotension, and in women, amenorrhea and hormonal problems. In severe cases, can produce severe neurological damage and even death. It is always advisable to stay within the normal range, as even slightly overweight increases the chance of complications. In addition, the progressive nature of the disease can lead to progressively increase weight without you noticing, so it is advisable to take the reins of the situation soon. Summary: Get in the hands of competent professionals able to recover your weight, your body and mind will thank you.

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