Monday, July 23, 2012

Prenatal Stimulation With Music

The babies develop hearing in the fifth month of pregnancy, the music is beneficial to the baby is calm and to help auditory stimulation.

One of the benefits of prenatal stimulation to the breast can connect with your baby in a special way. To strengthen this link using music with therapeutic activities. This kind of activity helps strengthen the pregnancy, birth and labor, reducing the anxiety of the mother and neonatal stress.

The unborn baby will recognize melodies relating to the uterus and the calm born again refer to that pleasant state that lived during her pregnancy.

Prenatal music stimulation can ease tensions and reduce fears of babies. Helps you relax, enables a close contact with the unborn baby and helps to project in time, which gives confidence.

Statistics show that a high percentage of infants who were prenatally stimulated not cry so much, are happier, better fed, they have trouble sleeping, are less fearful, more focused and more confident.

Prenatal music stimulation allows prospective parents:

- Connecting with the baby in the womb.

- Anxiety is reduced.

- Provide the baby, feelings of peace and stimulating at the same time.

- Discover the link early intrauterine to enjoy it.

- The women come equipped at birth with various psycho-musical techniques.

- Women will feel more relaxed when performing the labor.

- The pain of childbirth can be controlled more.

- To increase awareness of physical sensations.

Perinatal stress is reduced, giving the newborn the ability to connect through a field hearing sound you already know.

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