Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Systematically accounting!

In response to factors such as expansion, new reporting requirements, the need to work towards greater self-sufficiency and availability of relatively inexpensive technology, a growing number of organizations are adopting computerized accounting systems provide the data they need when they need it. Plan and adopt an efficient computerized accounting program may seem a difficult and complex task for any manager. The intent of this guide is to help you consider some of the factors involved in making the decision to computerize or modernize their accounting systems.

Most organizations go through a progression of accounting systems. They usually begin with a manual system (using paper), then advance to a mixture of paper and tools based on computer spreadsheets, and finally adopt a simple computer system. Often this computer system include a mix of various systems or programs that enter data into spreadsheets or databases. Improvements in equipment and accounting software, make it even easier the transition from a mixture of paper-based tools and spreadsheets to the implementation of a computerized system, or upgrading an existing system. The low cost of computers and software have also managed to reduce the financial cost required to make this change.

This guide is intended for administrators who are considering whether or not to computerize their accounting systems, or are in the process of preparation or implementation of a previous decision in order to computerize. It could also be useful for managers who are assessing the needs of their programs in regard to computerized accounting systems, making recommendations to regional or central offices with respect to technology, or implementing new automated systems or new versions of the accounting system .

The guide provides an overview of all phases of automation and modernization of accounting software from making the decision to computerize, to the preparation for computerization and implementation of a computerization project, and takes as a central point key step in this process: the selection and acquisition of software. The guide also provides a list of questions to help identify problems with their current systems and to understand whether computerization will solve these problems or not. It also provides a tool that will help you evaluate software packages and vendors of software and understand how they could meet their needs or not.

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