Monday, July 30, 2012

Photo Of The Day: 21/06/2011 "A Shipwreck save his life"

They were a group of homeless. When they reached the village, people looked at them suspiciously. Ragged, some thought. Vagos, finished off others. However, gradually became part of the community. The difference made a big storm. Of those that stir the waves of Biscay, with infinite fury. One of the fish, top half heeled port, destroyed by the onslaught of the waves. Only three crew returned. The rest ... swallowed the sea. The show was awesome. Two sailors came lying on deck. Weary of fighting the elements, trying to rescue their lost comrades. The pattern, tied to the wheel with his head forward. Had lost consciousness, as the ship had gone around the breakwater and entered into the calm harbor waters. A huge commotion stirred the pier. Friends, acquaintances and family members rushed to his aid. First about what they could ship to the dock. Came heeled, and some submerged, seemed to have a leak. After the two fishermen recovered. They were about to practice the first aid when the ship was mortally wounded, began to lean more and more with a constant and blistering speed.

The captain was still inside. Still unconscious and tied to wooden rudder. Without thinking twice, a new neighbor, jumped into the water, dipped quickly and not without difficulty, managed to free the man and bring it to the surface, from where he hoisted the pier. Several weeks went by, until the men recovered from their wounds, but were left broken soul forever. The boss wanted to meet her savior, without which an incredible and having survived the massive storm, would have perished. He was a young guy, nice looking, but very thin and poorly dressed. They talked for hours. Sea of ​​politics, economy. They talked about the anger of not having a housing, a job. From desolation to visualize a future without hope. They came to the port. The old shell still in the same place where they left long ago. I was really torn, paint strokes had jumped from the sea and salt, and showed off their different stages, lives, patterns and colors. It was a colorful boat.

- I talked to the shipyard refloated tomorrow .- But does it fix? .- Well, with patience and a few euros ...- Yeah, right .- I'm thinking something ... Would you help me to fix it. I'll pay you well, of course!. Do not know much about carpentry, but I learn fast. Even my friends would be willing to lend a hand .- No more talk. Mismo.Pasaron morning start two months saw, hammer and sandpaper. Painting, planks and hawsers. It had become like new .- Good boy, you have fulfilled your part of the deal. Now it's up to me. The man said, handing an envelope with a bunch of money, Thanks, I thank you very much, the des. The price is cheap for saving my life. I thought more ... you said you had no home Do not - do not sleep here today gone tomorrow And what you seem A floating home - How to? do not understand, that the ship is your chicosY this is how the old ship began a new life with a different color and some unsuspecting people. This is how those young people finally got the opportunity he had longed. Home and work of a blow. And this is how the old pattern is reunited with his family when he nearly lost everything.

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Photo: Edurne Iza

Text: Iza Otamendi Onintza

You can download this picture freely. The only restriction is for sale and / or profitable use of it. Do not forget that all work belongs to its author, make good use of it.


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