Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What Is The Best Management Crisis?

By: Oscar RossignoliEditor of http://www.imagen-empresarial.com

The best crisis management is prevention, no doubt.

The behavior of the organization generates a real good position among the public hearings or a company.

In the early 90's, 86% of the crises that occurred in the United States were due to latent risks, situations already known could happen at any time. In contrast, only 14% were sudden crisis for reasons entirely unexpected.

What conclusion does this lead us? The majority of media crisis situations that occur annually are preventable with well in advance.

If a company that manufactures chemicals, the possibility of a spill or an explosion is latent, a bank could fall into a situation of illiquidity that will not necessarily lead to bankruptcy, but a rumor mishandled in the media could produce a massive retirement savers who do lead to a collapse, a government institution that manages a large budget and political conflict that has may be the victim of a campaign corruption charges, a company with poor internal employment relationship may have problems and so on., etc.., and so on.

All this must be considered as potential risk to which we must anticipate and be ready the device for anti-crisis.

For latent risks it is best to have integrated and prepared a crisis committee, which should have produced a crisis manual that covers each and every one of the situations that could cause a critical situation.

Crisis in this manual are defined very clearly all the aspects to consider in the management of crisis, from the moment he began to develop to their conclusion and subsequent activities.

Individuals and institutions involved must also be clearly identified, with names of key personnel, telephones, faxes, emails, cell phones, if possible even their dwellings. Taking all this information ready at hand makes management much more efficient and with a time resolution much shorter and less traumatic.

And continuously advance a company at risk of potential crisis must have: reporting systems, risk analysis, contingency manual, prepared spokespeople permanently, background and benchmarking, mapping general and specific audiences, communication plan to the different networks hearings, etc..

Recall that crisis management is the strategic management of information and communication in situations that may threaten the reputation of an institution and / or damage your attributes. If these situations, we have identified well in advance of crisis management will be efficient and become rather an excellent opportunity to reset and do a relaunch of the company's image.

When we are prepared for a crisis situation with time are assigned the roles of those involved are clear and each one's responsibilities, thus avoiding improvisations, so no one gets out of the script which marks the crisis manual.

You can get complete information on how to deal super effectively a scandal in the media from this link http://www.imagen-empresarial.com/ecm.php?5i68zNcWEWQ4rnBMb1dkKEYMazA2Q. Paste it into your browser if it does not open directly when pressed.

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