Monday, July 23, 2012

No Medical Treatment for Tinnitus - What are your options?

Sadly, today there is no insurance fire cure for tinnitus. People who suffer from tinnitus often resort to over-the-counter medicines, herbs, homeopathy and tinnitus home remedies with the hope of reducing the tinnitus symptoms.

The problem with OTC medications are causing side effects such as nausea, dizziness, constipation, loss of control, burnout.

Also suffer frustration may seek relief from herbal remedies like black cohosh or ginkgo biloba is said to improve blood circulation in the upper body and therefore reduce the severity of tinnitus. However, tinnitus is not medicinal herbs are the treatment of the disease at its root, but gives only minor relief.

Recently, homeopathy seems to be one of the ways most effective treatment alternative for many tinnituspacientes, but not all genuine gain relief with that too. The only solution left is caserospara tinnitus remedies.

Do home remedies really work? Well, tinnitus home remedies can be effective only if the appeal is directed at the underlying causes of tinnitus. For this it is necessary first to determine what causes tinnitus.

The causal factor could be a factor of one or more co-existence of problems that lead to tinnitus.

Some of the important factors that lead to tinnitus include:

- Regular exposure to loud noises, such as listening to MP3 player or iPod at high volume levels. - Deterioration of the fine structure of nerves involved in hearing. - The middle ear infection, the accumulation wax in the ears. - Certain jaw joint problems. - Prolonged use of anticancer drugs, NSAIDs, loop diuretics and certain. - tumors, growths or near the ears allergies.

Home Remedies For Tinnitus commonly used are:

Gingko biloba - to help the blood flow and promote better circulation in the head and neck region, provides relief to the condition of a more positive way.

Coenzyme Q10, taken at a dose of 300 mg a day, also helps improve blood circulation in the upper body and strengthening the immune system, which in turn, provide relief for tinnitus.

Raw garlic taken daily can also offer a respite from tinnitus.

Home remedies for tinnitus work very well, provided it is used concomitantly with holistic treatments. Remember, if the cause of tinnitus is not, it is impossible to achieve significant relief of tinnitus. While some tinnitus home remedies seem to reduce symptoms, the relief is short lived. The symptoms return when you stop using the medicine.

Holistic remedies, on the other hand, treating the body as a whole, compared with only rarely a symptom of tinnitus. The symptoms are basically the way the condition is expressed. The holistic approach to the treatment of tinnitus is to go thoroughly to find all the causes of tinnitus only appropriate treatments can be specified. Holistic Treatments include changing what you eat and your lifestyle in general, the use of acupuncture and acupressure, if necessary, in addition to appropriate range of exercises. read more

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