Thursday, July 12, 2012

Making the Most of Your Current Situation

During any week you spend at least eight hours a day, five days a week working (and if you are a housewife rather more). That's a big part of your life, you're taking advantage of the good? What else do you do besides work? If your answer is "Well, not much" in this article I give some suggestions to begin to make good use of your current situation and have fun at the same time.

A great way to take advantage of your current situation, whatever it is to cultivate interests and hobbies outside work, which can be very beneficial for you and for your professional development. Having a hobby or hobby helps you stay motivated, relaxed, be more interesting and more people can relate to. It is also a great way to expand your skills, learn and, above all, to maintain a balance between your professional and personal life and keep your sanity!

The first thing I recommend is that you're open to new experiences and choices that maybe you had not considered before. I'll give an example, one of my hobbies is to learn, I love doing all kinds of courses. Making an English-Spanish translation I discovered that I love and I'm very good (and I have a professional come out alternative). He was also doing a course in how I discovered my passion for coaching. Both options began merely as a hobby, I did the courses just for fun and learning, and have become something else: my current profession and possible career path (which eliminates the feeling that you do not know or do anything else that you could not work on something else, something that I was sure when I doing science). So start testing, you will have very good and can you find out new things about your skills and preferences.

Apart from personal satisfaction, having a hobby or hobby also has additional benefits for your professional development. Any new activity you undertake will extend your experience, add different skills (eg, group activities indicate that work well together), expand your circle of contacts and increase your options. It is also a way to try a different field and see if you like and you are good, and if you want to do it professionally (and my coaching or translation, or my husband the picture). And if you're in the midst of job hunting, tells your prospective employers that you are a person with interests, energy and willingness to learn.

I know, you're busy and do not have much time. Or so you tell yourself. Do you really spend much time actually working? And how much time you spend pretending you work and feeling guilty about it? Like I said in the article last week, if you're aware of how you spend your time you can begin to stop using it and losing it on other things (how much time do you spend watching television or computer?). As always, a matter of priorities.

So what are you waiting for? Make the most of your current situation. There are many things you can do, learn a new language, take courses in leadership or effective communication, an NGO volunteer yourself, write a blog, sign up for cooking classes. Take advantage of opportunities that gives your company or university.

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