Saturday, July 28, 2012

Advantages And Disadvantages To Learn To Speak German

If we were to judge the German according to what is "out there says," and "and said" probably no one would "bother" to learn it, or rather, learning German venture would be like a parachute jump manual - in German - in hand, without saying its possible catastrophic consequences. Because before revealing the mystery that holds the maze of language by "cases" for example, and to cite just one of the difficulties involved, we would be singing the Hallelujah of Schubert, in German of course, harp in hand, the side of San Pedro, flying over the country on a little cloud Teutonic laden rain.

A Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany is credited with the following quote (Wikiquote): "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men and German to my horse."

The famous American writer Mark Twain came to write as much a "treaty" entitled "The awful German language" (The awful German language), which chronicles the countless complications that went through to finally be understood in that language, moderately.

Unfortunately I have no argument with which these impressions could object. Moreover, my potential students require them to reflect deeply "as the seminarians about to take habits" before embarking on the difficult task of learning the language "devil", to quote Twain again.

But those who have been thinking otherwise. Not just today, enjoy the many advantages, not to mention the fact that from the point of view, a considerable amount of open doors that should not be underestimated.

The German likes to speak in your language. First, because due to the condition mentioned above, relatively few foreigners who speak and therefore competitive advantage is huge.

Secondly, because learning this language requires a development of logical thinking is not negligible. In the same way, which, in my school days, they demanded to learn Latin, despite being a dead language, just as they used to say, my parents - "oil" neurons in the brain, beyond learning German the simple "acquisition" of a language and demands of its partners a constant "to think about," because mistakes are made when we do not, glaring sound so bad, there is no other choice but to continue thinking about talking. This feature entails, seeing it from a practical point of view also a negligible quality, especially when we are going to say any evil thing. Just in case "the fly has entered the mouth" can always be attributed to an alleged misuse of language, for obvious reasons.

On the other side and parachute back to the beginning of the article mentioned, probably the person who has learned to use it properly, get open his parachute even before those who speak other languages. Not that you are comparing. It's simple. After you understand your "logic" complex things become simpler and we can express things much more complex, more easily.

In my career as a German translator and I have seen countless times. Indeed, on many occasions has reached the Spanish were somewhat "limited" Without downgrading, for instance when trying to translate Nietzsche, or if we compare the translated into German and Spanish of the extract on the Grand Inquisitor Seville in the play "The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoevsky, among many others.

This however has a perfectly logical and rational explanation. The German language covers up to 500,000 words. While the Castilian falls short as 250,000.

Even I could list a lot of motives, but my purpose is not to convince the disinterested, but to encourage the undecided, because it probably already has piqued curiosity.

So Hermann Hesse and quoting "denn Wohlen, Herz und Abschied nimm gesunde," [....] Denn [... .. jedem ein Anfang Zauber Wohn unnecessary.] "

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