Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Administrative Management and paradigms

The nail that sticks out always receives a Chinese martillazo.Proverbio economic scenarios, business are constantly subjected to changes that are generated as a result of the activities that occur constantly in her bosom, and where companies one of the main stakeholders has led to to give their attention paradigms, which can not be ignored by management, where she must face it many times to make way for a new organizational paradigm, with new management skills. It is said that senior management now have to retrain in a new paradigm to ensure a proactive role that is favorable. Take into account the experience paradigm change in organizations, which are favorable to them, allowing you to enter the world of business based on attributes derived from these models, such as total quality, productivity, excellence, continuous improvement and so on. You should also consider the new paradigmatic models such as Reengineering, JIT delivery, Benchmarking, Empowerment, Outsourcing. These models allow a rapid change in the main variables of the organization, both its environment and its culture, process and structure, and that the adoption of a new paradigm administrators to heighten the organizational functioning, making companies more competitive .

It is recommended to encourage members of the organization to adapt to these changes through courses, lectures and engaging in processes of change experienced by the organization so that they can identify them quite naturally and accept changes in their organization. There is no doubt that these paradigm shifts have resulted in the Venezuelan manager a change in their behavior, their way of thinking, which has resulted in this structure was removed to its deepest foundations, of course, this is very positive for the future of Venezuelan industry. Thus, our insistence that schools of business administration, such as specialty postgraduate management science and its various references provide the necessary motivation for future managers, Administrative Science Especialito identify with the responsibility to step new tools, knowledge-generating administrative paradigms that promote organizational development, operational effectiveness of the company and reach a significant role in their participation in the current scenarios. Failure to do so seriously discourages businesses, hurts administrative science professionals to make their participation successful and beneficial to all.

Consider that through history, philosophy and epistemology have been the pillars of personal development as a new paradigm, says Joel Barker, replacing another you have to start again. The same Joel Barker says that the paradigm of the twentieth century was not the productivity or mass production, or the division of labor, but the quality, which has been called the third stage of the industrial revolution. It is claimed that the fourth stage of the industrial revolution to the twenty-first century is encrypted in the system of profound knowledge, which is the last legacy of the father of the third stage and the fourth also, W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993). By 1980, the administration of the Bekaert group became convinced that the quality would be a strategic necessity for them. Since then, he has dedicated a ten-year program to condition the minds of the company, in 1980 it was called "concept swear" (quality improvement). The use of paradigms for the study of organizations is not new, there is the background: One of the best work on paradigm was made by the author, Bernardo Kliksberg, who points out rightly that the first problem that arises when analyzing the different schools or organizational theories, is to define a single criterion for them.

In 1933, Urwick, says the administration has followed three main lines are: The management science and its application to a specific problem from it. The factory management with a view to obtaining greater productivity. The investigation of the factory by anyone other than her, through a partnership between professional bodies. In 1962, Harold Koontz, proposed the following classification of administrative schools: The school management process. The empirical school. The school of human behavior. The school social system. The school of decision theory. School of Mathematics. In 1958, March and Sinon propose three models or paradigms of human behavior in organizations: The rapid instrumental model, focusing on the task. The sociological model is more flexible, person-oriented, and decision-making model, oriented as the name implies, to managerial decision making. In 1960, Pfiffner and Sherwoods summarize the criteria for classification into two main paradigms that have been held to date. These paradigms presented, the authors of the opposite type two trends: a mechanical and functional, other-oriented human behavior. Kliksberg concludes his study by proposing a classification based on the following criteria: historical needs that respond to different authors.

Value systems. Level of analysis. Scientific methodology. Do not forget that in the paradigm shifts that are unconscious resistance to change. "The dilemma of slow death is directly related to the self of the people, and controlling other circumstances, most people stay on this side of the shadow of the pillar of Emotional Quotient." According to F. Dostoeisvki, "says the man has such a passion for systems, abstract deductions that are willing to close your eyes and cover their ears to the truth, only to justify his logic." A paradigm shift begins when it accumulates an excess of questions that leave the ordinary and the current paradigm can not explain. For example, the Theory of Relativity Einstein, was the new paradigm that complemented the Newtonian physics. The new paradigm appears, when the former can not explain some situations that arise. The new paradigm is inclusive, not exclusive. It is continually challenged, and under these circumstances, there can be a powerful new evidence to explain the apparent contradictions by introducing a new beginning ... a new perspective. What happens to a new paradigm.

It is said that to produce a new theory, of course you should be more understanding, the result should not be destructive, but instructive. As such a new paradigm generates knowledge, new data and therefore, new information. Any new paradigm, "painless" and set to "endangered status" and "power of the various elements of the system." "Great spirits always found violent opposition from mediocre minds." According to specialists in the changes, they argue that the acceptance of a new paradigm, can destroy a lot of people, institutions, industries, and even the economy of a country. When attempting a paradigm shift-in Venezuela, the new leaders talk about a revolutionary change, no explanations have been exhausted before, and alter the fundamental assumptions, many companies and individuals resist change and disappear from the environment. If the leaders of this "revolutionary change in Venezuela, explained that until now were dim, dark past, they will gradually gaining ground. According to Kuhn," When a critical number of thinkers come to accept the new idea, an collective change of paradigm and consensus emerges, causing a kind of chain reaction.

It is important to note, that: educated business paradigm replaces the paradigm of mass production soon learned. Is that a revolution of this nature that entrepreneurs are faced with the knowledge covering information, culture, images, art. New computers and communication networks will allow the deepest restructuring in global finance. The new microprocessor based technology has the ability to think, react, be flexible, small series production, a company move much faster. Before a society ever more gifted, wise and enlightened companies are rushing to turn knowledge into the real capital of a developed economy.

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