Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to Win Dienro With Facebook

It is very important to define a strategy to create a business and earn money on facebook, is not simply create a page and think that sales people and came alone.

You must know the map to be followed for the construction and the continued growth of the business, and know what is the process you should follow once a visitor arrives at your site ...

Once you have defined your niche and you have a product you own or affiliate product ... recommend the following to create a fan page, Facebook marketing should not be done with the personal profile, it should be on a page fans and friends that lets you create unlimited and multiple marketing strategies through applications and the new tool for Facebook, which allow you iframes insert any HTML code in a tab in your fan page, you can create landing pages on Facebook , subscription forms, payment buttons, videos, blogs, etc ...

Once you have your fans page created the next step is to define what will be the marketing strategy you will use, for that I'll teach you the strategy I follow in my business on Facebook and allow me to generate thousands of dollars a month.

First you create a landing page which will be a page within your site for fans where you will receive all visitors arriving, visitors should arrive at the wall to another section of the site, must come directly to your landing page . Since I have previously taught how to create a landing page on Facebook.

That landing page should have a call to the main action is that the visitor click on I like, that's why we give a gift or benefit to the visitor to become motivated and become a fan. This gift can be a report, a video, a discount, a consultancy, etc ...

If we have a dual action on our landing page, meaning that the visitor take two actions ... for example fan is made and to register to your list of subscribers you have to do is create a landing page with hidden content as what you above teachings.

In the visible content you will tell the visitor to click on I like to get for example the book free and once a person is clicked I like being shown the hidden content or just fans who will tell the user to enter your email address to send the gift to the email.

Once you list your site for fans with their respective landing page, the next step is to generate traffic, but the way I recommend and will definitely make your business grow especially Facebook are ads or publicity you can get traffic facebook.También through recommendations to friends, Youtube and external websites such as blogs and forums.

Once you start to have visitors and your fans to increase it's time to start promoting the products, for that every day you publish valuable content about your niche market and actually be helpful for people, 50% of your comments or contributions you'll add the link to sell the product or service you offer, so once your fans read the short article with valuable content to be tempted to visit the product page with a venta.Así probability of realizing this is the system you must follow for any business on Facebook ...

Visit my page on Facebook to find out more about the topic and become an expert on how to make money with Facebook.


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