Monday, July 23, 2012

Control fleas on your pet naturally

Fleas are something that every pet owner has to worry about! Anyone who owns a cat or dog has probably experienced the battle against fleas, a task that proved easier said than done! But fleas are a huge problem for our pets.

Not only bite and cause hours of frustration, can cause other serious problems such as tapeworm infestations, flea dermatitis and in severe cases, anemia.

What makes the fleas so incredibly difficult to control is their amazing resilience. A female flea can lay over 2000 eggs in her life that mean that the infestation can occur quickly, and eggs can survive for months in the environment simply awaiting an appropriate host. For this reason it is essential to control both fleas on your pet and the fleas in the environment. Perfect for areas include sand fleas, bed, floor and carpet.

Natural Remedies

Many pets develop an allergy to flea bites where a single bite can cause severe itching and discomfort for many days. When this occurs, the natural remedies can help soothe aggravated skin and itchy .

German Chamomile is an herb that has been used for centuries to cleanse the skin. Marigold also works well as it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and helps prevent infection with its anti-bacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Other herbs such as knives and Witchhazel have also proven beneficial and have strong soothing properties and restorative.

There is also
natural cleansing herbal shampoo for dogs using only proven ingredients, natural , supporting a residual deterrent effect, anti-mosquito, anti-flea and anti-fly as it encourages and supports the skin healthy layers.

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