Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cultivating Integrity


Carlos Mora Vanegas

Always be careful with regard to integrity, never sully, to behave with the proper values, respecting and respecting others.

It is known that, integrity, and personal quality, refers to full or wide range of skills possessed.

Kerby Anderson reminds us that the word integrity comes from the same Latin root integer, and suggests the whole person. Just as talk of an integer, we can speak of a whole person, not divided. A person of integrity lives properly, not divided, nor is it a different person in different circumstances. A person of integrity is the same person in private that it is in public.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke of those who were "pure in heart" (Matthew 5:8), suggesting a clear attitude to the mandates of God. Integrity, therefore, implies an attitude not only clear but also moral purity

A person of integrity is one that does not stay in a single activity, but moves to different areas of knowledge, Wikipedia points out moreover that the moral integrity can be defined as a quality of person the power to make decisions about their behavior itself. It preaches to all individuals as such. Is closely related to the subject's conception of himself, their behaviors, beliefs and way of acting

The fact indicates, the word "integrity? implies righteousness, goodness, honesty, blamelessness, someone you can trust, without strange mix, that means what it says: what he said, when a promise is intended to comply.

We continuously create our reality through the choices we make, moment by moment-creating and maintaining harmony by following our conscience and act for the highest good.

We are brave when we live according to our conscience when it would be easy to hide from others who are not following our conscience. It is more convenient slide down the hill of life, maintaining or digressing in our current state of consciousness, to follow the sometimes hard climbing the path of what we know is right.

The reward of continuously enrich our personal integrity is that we become more conscious of our harmonious nature of our "spark? God.

By living with personal integrity others realize they can trust us, we become a trustworthy friend, an asset to our family in the world.

When we integrate our higher consciousness personally in our daily lives, in our daily actions, we have increased ability to enjoy happiness and harmony. reminds us of the beautiful poem by Rudyard Kipling is a complete teaching of what is integrity.


If you can have your cool when everyone around and you'll lose because of it;

If you hesitate when you have faith in you, but also excuses the mistrust of others;

If you can wait and not get tired in the waiting, or being slandered, wield no slander,

or being hated, hatred does not welcome you, and yet do not sin as good or judgmental;

If you can dream without surrendering to dreams, or thinking without thinking of the goal;

if you can drag the treating triumph and disaster equally to both of impostors;

If you can stand the truth you've spoken vile mouths is truncated in a trap for fools, or watch shattered the illusion of your life, and be inclined to redo battered resources;

If your gathering plenty large profits, you can play them all to a simple coin toss, and lose it, then start over, and never say one sentence what you lose;

If you can force the heart and nerve and muscle to serve, even after exhausted, and endure although nothing left of you, except you will say "Go!?;

If you can deal with the rabble without prejudice, or alternate with monarchs without breaking with the common people if they can not hurt neither friends nor enemies, if all you consider, but never too much, If you unforgiving minute With sixty seconds weighted advance your day, yours is the world and everything in the world exists, and, moreover, will be all a man, my son!

Kerby Anderson gives us the traits of integrity and it says that one of the traits is honesty. Telling the truth is apparently no longer a virtue that people try to take his life. We may say that we want people to tell the truth, but we do ourselves. We believe we can be just a little dishonest. We say we want people to be honest, but then we cheat our taxes. We say we want people to obey the laws, but then exceeds "just" the speed limit. We want to be honest enough to soothe our conscience.

It's a little like the story of the man who sent a letter to the Office of the U.S. Income (Internal Revenue Service). He said: "I cheated on my income tax, and I felt so bad I could not sleep. I enclose a check for $ 150. If I can not sleep, I'll send the rest of what I owe."

Many of us can feel identified with this man. We want to be honest, but sometimes it is easier to be dishonest. So we tried to find a way to compromise our values ​​to make a bit of a lie does not disturb our conscience.


Another characteristic of a person of integrity is reliability. A person of integrity is beyond reproach. Stay true to principles, no matter the consequences. A person of integrity realize that there are moral absolutes even in a world of relative values.

In the novel by Tom Clancy, Clear and Present Danger, Jack Ryan is almost the only noble character in the book. When the plot begins to uncover clandestine government is confronted by the antagonist, who mocks the principles of Ryan. He says: "You're a Boy Scout, Jack. Do not you see? It's all gray.'s All gray."

I wonder how many people hear a similar statement integrity in corporate boardrooms or in the halls of government. It's all gray. There is no absolute right or wrong. Everything is relative.

A person of integrity knows that not everything is gray. There are principles that remain true worth and promote.

"Private life"

There is a popular book on the market called Who Are You When Nobody's Looking (Who are you when nobody's looking). Who are you when nobody is looking? Will I see the same person I see when in a group of people? Do you do the right thing, no matter the circumstances?

There was a story in a newspaper years ago about a man from Long Beach who went to buy a chicken for him and the woman who accompanied him to a store of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). She waited in the car while he went to pick up the chicken. Without realizing it, the store manager gave the man the box it had the day's profits, instead of the box with the chicken. It was going to make a deposit and had camouflaged putting money in a box of fried chicken.

The man took the box, returned to the car, and the two went. When they reached the park and opened the box, found they had a box full of money. Now this was a very vulnerable time for an ordinary person. However, realizing the error, returned to the car and headed to the scene and returned the money to the manager. Well, the manager was overjoyed! I was so pleased that the young man said: "Stick around. I want to call the newspaper to me take the photo. You are the type most honest of people." "Oh no, do not do that!" Said the subject. "Why not, asked the manager.

"Well," he said, "You know, I'm married, and the woman I am not my wife."

Apparently had not considered the consequences of their actions. Even when I was doing something right, it turned out that was also doing something wrong. A person of integrity is integrity and authenticity. There is no duplication of attitudes and actions

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