Thursday, July 26, 2012

Biography of Empedocles and Final Farewell

Empedocles (490 - 430. C) Greek philosopher who proposed an early version of the nature of matter. They say it was excellent political, if not the majority mode, which deceive the very people who operate continuously. He was a poet, physician and mystic. The last thing a considerable impact on their lives. Empedocles is known to have proposed that all four substances derived from roots or elementary principles "fire, air, water and earth," these are joined or separated as a result of the forces, attraction and repulsion. (Love and Hate) the proposition of the fourth empedoclita, the elaborate considering that everything is all the parts and the parts form the totality of everything. For Empedocles was useless from a single element, and more appropriate to reconcile the old theories. Well from a single element as did the founders of the materialist philosophy, led him to conceive of a part of the whole as the whole itself, therefore the elaboration of its system, the whole formed by joining parts. The fourth Empedoclita deserved further development by Aristotle, which had a profound influence for more than two thousand years.

In particular investigations until Boyle, according to legend, Empedocles ended his life by throwing himself into a cracter volcanic Mount Etna, possibly with the intention to demonstrate his divinity. In the philosophy of Empedocles is combine Egyptian and Zoroastrian conceptions . But unlike them their own lead to pessimism. Part of the primacy of spiritual over the material, but not assimilate well to life as this is only the realization of the divine concept. They might even consider the existence as an evil. In his cosmology influences the existence of two suns, the authentic and mirror, night is a kind of eclipse caused by the interposition of the earth between the sun and fire. The stars and planets are authentic fire. Unlike the stars to planets that are free are stuck, and the light moves from one place to another in very short time. The principles of mortal beings are eternal and the first people that existed were the trees. . Empedocles was the first to assume that plants had sex. The beings were generated by random aggregation of separate elements but only those who survived were better organized.

Jose Orlando Melo 35 2007 Naranjo believed in the transmigration of souls. The perception is given by the fit between the pores and this size that makes the difference between the various senses. Empedocles wrote two poems of nature and purifications. Young philosopher Empedocles and wanted to illustrate physical knowledge, or intuition. Two Suns, the real and mirror. That is the sun and moon. For we know that the sun is authentic in the same light energy and allows us to observe the phenomenon occurred on the moon. Which reflects the sunlight. Since this is an opaque body from the sun receives its being bright. The question may be how does the sun to shine authentic? Well, it has long believed that the sun was a huge ball of burning fuel material, by way of a reserve of coal, has changed his mind a century ago and has only to look at other possibilities enpesado. A sun fuel burning effect could not have been so for more than a few million years.

But the man there for about 4 million years and the planet Earth was formed almost 5 billion years, it was necessary therefore to find another explanation for the radiation of the sun. Various theories advanced by the end of the last century and in 1905 is Albert Einstein who finally found the solution to the sun and all stars, is a huge mass of gas is changed, the original gas (hydrogen) becomes progressively the other gas (helium) to fusion of atoms, in the course of this process a part of the mass is lost. The difference represents every second, is the equivalent of 4 million tons (!) Is converted into energy which is the radiation from the sun. You gentlemen Physicists call this operation, the thermonuclear fusion. The most powerful nuclear bombs (H bombs) run by the same principle. In other words, the sun is a giant bomb that explodes permanently. Empedocles says that the stars and planets are authentic fire, which Empedocles did not know is that its much admired sun was but a single star, because astronomers are very interested in the sun because it is the only star we can study in detail, by reason of its proximity, we must know that there is more than a star very small in relation to all that inhabit the sky.

There are some smaller than him, but also and more quantity, some older. The colder there, but also many others lack. In any case, we owe our lives to this star. It's wonderful to see how all the ancient thinkers were attracted to the beautiful picture of heaven, and it spent the greatest part of their lives. Ie the study of the heavens which was called astronomy, which operates and large-scale dimensions. The use of common units would make permanent complex calculation. From there it is reminiscent of conventional units in accordance with the dimensions considered. The astronomical unit is the distance between earth and sun and is equal to 1. 4945. 108 km. The light year is the space traversed by a ray of light in one year and amounts to 6. 3310. 10 with the fourth power lifting astronomical units. Parsec is the distance from which is the radius of the Earth's orbit at an angle of a second light is equivalent to 3258 years. The sidereal day is the time lag between two consecutive overpasses of a star over the meridian of the place the solar day is longer than the sidereal day, as is the time taken for two consecutive steps of the center of the sun across the meridian of the place and here influences the translation of the earth.

(Movement around the sun) as the true solar day varies during the year, part of a mean solar day solar days all true. Empedocles has remained in history and will continue that thought intriguing. Of course if future generations continue to be wise and do not forget the wonderful picture of philosophy.

Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo 2007 36 NEAR THE END: dear young people and teachers, is all that I had to say about the beautiful and very divine philosophy. I'll tell you an experience I had to close this conversation. Recently I met a man. Which was very learned in the past, but is now a more mediocre. Well Having been shared this simple work that also give you all. He said that it did not teach big deal. These phrases are men's dogmatic. My colleagues do not believe it. For these men, said to be critical. But in reality they are not as critical as they believe. For they deceive themselves and deceive others. My work does not tend to compete against the giants of thought of all the times. This work is dedicated especially to students in grades eight ninth tenth and eleven. And to all the hardworking teachers. Who, not labor for profit reasons, but rather for social causes. Beware of giving up cherished young teachers, all those dreams you have.

Because listening to the babbling of the mediocre. As is the case set before you. Because they are jealous by nature and training. Jose engineers tells of a beautiful glowing firefly very high, suddenly a frog jumps on it and cover it with ice cream belly. the firefly humbly asks why I tapas? The toad responds why you shine? The man who is set before you young people who during their lives, their parents are all in the hands extended. Continuously pampering. these exponents of mediocrity as they have had everything in hand, do not know, fierce and competitive society. Then all you babbling summary. I mean all, because those who have everything and not enough to have it all, they earn the privilege of having to follow. Not by oligarchies, or bourgeoisie. deserve because they are simple, gentle, pious and merciful. With all men. To you I dedicate this work. Therefore desist not dreaming. Have faith, and we will succeed.

SEIASA not, as the common denominator of the people whom love working for their bosses, who always exploit and it is not enough to consume them their entire lives. What if I tell you life can be bought with money? ! NO the years pass and not return. You only get one chance to be what you dream. Do not let it pass. The solution is not found in revolutions. Since all end in the same systems. The solution is in elections. Choose to be what makes you feel good, what makes you feel worthy. A if you can contribute to their society, because what do you do from the heart. For he does something you do with love heart. who does not exercise his profession with love is mediocre. And it does do so. This is bad if continued. Which affects and corrupts society day after day. Do not do what other, do what you love. That makes you sigh, but work on it so that SEIASA excellent.

To do this you have to follow certain procedures, these are: discipline, dedication and commitment. If you love your dream all this will be easy. Note: I appreciate warriors.



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