Friday, July 6, 2012

How to attract more visitors to your site and make it a "magnet" For Buyers

Your site gives you an identity on the Internet!

A website provides a place where surfers can find you and contact you immediately and what is better still, allows you to display and sell your products or services to the world.

A website is like an operational headquarters that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. People see your business while you are sleeping, watching TV or on vacation with your family.

A site is the cornerstone of any business on the net and it is very important to pay greater attention and make it functional 100%!

To make it known search engines is not enough even with a good position in the same ... the promotion of a site depends on many factors to consider but most notably of methods and modern marketing strategies and tested.

These tips show you below will help you drive traffic to your business and get back to visit again and again:

1 - Become a resource for visitors and customers on what themes do you excel or have enough knowledge? What do you like? Do you have a particular hobby or extra activity? Who may be interested in what you know? What questions, queries or advice you ask your friends or acquaintances more often?

Answering these questions, you've defined a market and a theme for your site. These responses are the people who need what you can offer ... these people have needs that YOU can satisfy.

Build a website based on your knowledge is the best business you can build a profitable business ... and safe!

Here are some tips to make your site an "oasis" of information:

a) suggest she other useful sites that are not in direct competition with what you offer. For example, if your site is dedicated to dog training, can provide information on sites that marketed dog food or dog hair salon.

b) Provide information that will help your visitors to improve or perfect your skills, provides articles or tutorials on specific topics (eg how to teach dogs to obey commands)

c) Provides tips, tricks or warnings. All persons (any area) are in search of such information. Most people are interested in articles like "How to ..." . Find out what information you want people who visit your site and bring it into practice.

2 - Ensure that your visitors want to come back to visit your sitioNo matter how "great" or "important" think is your site, you should get in the place of your visitors always! You should know that these people always want more and more of you .

Bearing in mind that there are hundreds of other sites that provide the same information that you, you should try to excel and maintain good communication with your visitors to find out what they are looking ... in short, you keep them there!

Try to provide some free items such as:

a) offers a free ebook related to the theme of your business b) offers a free report on something that really interests them c) offers a free electronic newsletter d) provides a summary or review of your site e) offers one hour of your time to attend phone calls f) offers a free sample of your product or service g) provides an ad in your newsletter free

3 - Make it easier for people to be spotted most people are anxious to learn if you show that you have sufficient knowledge. And you would be pleased to be able to teach. Right? So how?

Here I show some ways:

a) exploits all the opportunities you provide your signature lines. Never send an email without your signature be attached. And this is where we distinguish the amateurs from the pros. When I say "signatures" I do not mean just your name ... but also to your email address, your URL, your telephone number, a slogan or phrase that identifies your business and so on. (The firm might have 10 lines in length approximately)

b) describe your site, your products or services on search engines and directories. This takes some time and work, but most of your visitors will enter through it. (Tip: never use those programs or free services that you enroll in hundreds of search engines!)

c) Exchange links and banners, not everyone, but with those sites that are directly related to what you offer. This is accomplished by visiting other sites and submit your proposal by email, remember to mention that your visitors can benefit form-

4 - earn your trust of your visitors and clientesseamos honest ... the Internet can be a very "cold" for business. You can not see the people you're dealing with, and listen ... then why would trust you? Or rather ... why would trust in your products or services? As the owner of an online business, you must earn your trust. One of the best ways is to establish good communication with them.

A newsletter (newsletter or ezine) is an excellent way to maintain that contact is needed to create a relationship between customer and merchant.

In short ... Following the advice above, you will see visitor numbers increase considerably, and at the same time will also increase the balance in your bank account!

Both are the main goal of any business owner ... then turn your website into a magnet for visitors!

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