Friday, July 27, 2012

In The Renaissance City

Travel leaves many joys and lessons learned that no one else can offer. It is not the same as reading or listening to a hirtoria to be in place and not need explanations of how things happen. Living in a new environment makes good friends, impressions and experiences.

Many times I opened and read history books events leaving the imagination, can be converted into something unusual and even seems to have been present in those situations. Then came the web and is now much easier to learn things that happen in the world. One day he tries to retreat into my imagination, I found many stories about Florence and I decided to visit the city. There were stories of its monuments, its foundation and photographs depicting these stories, something that always looked great in photos and video, but I had to watch live.

After thinking a lot, and go away budget for my trip, I decided to buy the ticket. Automatically arrived and I realized I had made a good decision. People are very friendly, easy to transport and indeed, as the web I had talked, bringing all the museums artifacts and works of ancient art to life for current generations could appreciate it.

Little by little I learned of what he saw and heard, as they say "When in Rome do as the Romans" and was exactly what I did. At first it was weird and sometimes I laughed myself to do it, but everything turned out well to live with other friends who went by slowly.

Each had a distinctive way. From the food, what food! It is not enough to test it in a restaurant specializing in home. The food was certainly not when compared with what I had tried before. A lasagna was the first thing I ate. I saw the pasta prepared at the time, no package as we ask ourselves.

For this reason, not only Florence, visiting other places. Envuélvanse in its magic and enjoy something that only happens when you travel.

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