Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kids & Parents Facing Divorce

The majority of separated or divorced couples with children and children to see their family torn apart at any moment may become confused and frightened because they see their personal safety. Life is changing and there are children who come to blame for the divorce of their parents.

Parents should explain to their children that their divorce is due to issues completely apart from them, that the family will be different but who love and want forever, so that will give security to face the new situation. Many parents are unaware that their children are most important in their lives but also among the concerns of the effect of divorce on their children and their own problems. This remains calm their minds and time with their children for adequate communication between them, which is essential at this stage.

Divorce creates crisis in the family, each parent can be in various ways, ie, sad, overwhelmed, happy, and so on., Because each is affected differently, your personality can change. Some parents seek solace in their injured children and the children meanwhile have also changes. There are children that aim to reconcile his parents feel guilty, watch in silence or become aggressive, others become ill and psychological problems.

This crisis will not have psychological consequences as long as they handle the situation calmly. Parents should try to stick together to make their children feel safe and able to face this new situation.

Parents should pay attention to signs that give their children about their emotional state and stress can destroy. Young children become aggressive, sensitive, rebellious or withdrawn, while older children have feelings of sadness, abandonment, neglect, etc.., Which is reflected in school performance and behavior.

The worst is when parents fail to make a divorce on good terms, which creates problems of self-esteem and social relationships of children. The aim is that both parents and children can go at least hurt of divorce.

Parents must agree peacefully in financial, custody, etc.. The constant bickering and indifference hijos.Los perceived by the parents should not put their children against their spouse or pressure them to manipulate their cónyuge.Los Parents must keep their parental roles, both during the divorce process and after the divorce. If you notice that your child is affected by divorce, it will be necessary to consult a child psychologist.

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