Monday, July 30, 2012

Ensure your Teen Driver

When a teenager gets behind the wheel of a car, often causes him or her to take risks that experienced drivers would not take. This means that an adolescent is a serious threat to everyone on the road and, of course, that insurance rates go up and are much higher than for an average adult.

How to save money on auto insurance for your teen

Many insurers take into account drivers under 25 years as a higher risk than average, because they are involved in more accidents than older people. This high risk of accidents in adolescents can fire insurance costs by up to 50% of normal and even reaches 100%. Premiums for auto insurance when they are teenagers tend to be much higher than for the elderly.

However, you can still save with car insurance if you want your teen is protected. If your child plays their part and follow these guidelines, the insurer will pay easier:

A clean driving record. Keep your driving record clean child can help lower the price of car insurance premiums.

Earn points. Many insurers offer discounts to teens who attend high school or college full time and maintain a high GPA.

Participate in your community. Young people who join certain civic or community organizations like the Boy Scouts can receive discounts from their insurers.

Choose the safest car. Adolescents insurance can cost up to 50% less, if you choose a safer car, for example a Honda Civic or a Volvo. The new models of cars with airbags are the least expensive to insure. Sports cars, luxury, high performance and SUVs carry higher risk and higher insurance premiums.

Add security features. Security features such as antilock brakes, traction control, automatic seat belts and air bags can reduce insurance rates for teenagers considerably.

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