Friday, July 27, 2012


As sure as each year goes very fast in September and that children come to school and thus the peace at home also get lice and diseases.

One of these incurable diseases is the chickenpox illness in most cases mild but terribly uncomfortable.

Chickenpox is usually a fairly mild disease if contracted in childhood and a little more important if we are adults.

In most cases last week, although only the first few days are really annoying in the middle of the week the symptoms are subsiding and the child begins to feel much better and starts to fall out over the house.

Contagiousness of chickenpox.

Although it is a mild disease its spread is really contagious chicken pox a few days before the onset of pimples so avoid spreading the virus is not very difficult.

Some tips to help the virus is not spread by all members of the family are:

• Wash hands frequently, especially after using the toilet and before eating.

• Take frequent baths or showers. • Zoom to infected unvaccinated members of the family.

• In people who have not had chickenpox can prevent or lessen your symptoms with an injection of antibodies in the first 96 hours of exposure to infection.

Symptoms of chickenpox

How do you know what you're incubating is chickenpox? There are a number of symptoms that betray before they leave the typical granite. The most common symptoms of chickenpox are:

• Irritability

• Widespread pain

• Fever

• Weakness and fatigue

• Loss of appetite

• itchy rash of blisters on the body, eyelids and mouth

You know if these symptoms begin to appear ... likely to suffer the dreaded and beloved chickenpox.

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