Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ripping the ear lobe


The weight of earrings or accidents caused by pulling them on an involuntary basis is the main cause of enlargement of the tear or hole final of the ear lobe. This issue likely will increase and other sites that are not ears and in males, because the more frequent use of los_piercing. Many women torn earlobe prevents you to use pending, or that they are required, but will enjoy it, having more than a hole in their ears, but they may, in some cases, hide a tear, with an aesthetically inappropriate. For this problem there is only one possible correction: the surgery. It is a simple procedure, but thorough. The operative field is very small, this is what makes it an operation that must be very precise, is performed in all cases without the need for hospitalization, outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Low cost makes it affordable for any economy.

How do you repair the torn earlobe?

Understand that in the elongated hole or tear or a partial tear in a few days after the accident tear the inside of the skin is covered. If suturásemos ("cosiéramos") the skin to skin, removing the points stay the same as before, no cicatrizaría, so it is necessary to "play" the initial injury (remove the outermost edge of skin that covers the tear back to the state Tear recently) to make way for the plasty repair itself. As the surgical area is very small it is necessary to use instrumentation and microsurgical technique.

Before proceeding, make sure your surgeon has asked you the day before washing your face and especially your ears with Betadine soap, so that the skin is clear. The whole procedure takes no more than 60 minutes to both lobes. A local anesthetic. You will have stitches, and take a cure for several hours.

Recovery - Results.

You can continue your office work and with their usual occupations that do not involve physical exertion. That yes, you can not immediately use their pending in this ear, remember that underwent a surgical procedure and therefore should rest scar and power to obtain the desired result.

Have a new agujerillo much finer, more aesthetic and functional when the stitches removed after 8-10 days.

After removing the points and the swelling has subsided, the remaining 10 may be placed thin and lightweight.

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