Thursday, July 26, 2012

Neoliberalism, and State Education (Case: Argentina)

Neoliberalism, State and Education (CASE: ARGENTINA)

One hundred and thirty years, after visiting the country of wonders,

Alicia got into a mirror to discover the world upside down.

If Alice reborn today, need not pass through any

mirror will suffice to look out the window.


In Argentina, the existence of neoliberal governments lead to contradictions leading to a state with few commitments to society, concentrating power in the dominant groups, coinciding with Paulo Freire "(...) does not reject the bourgeois things, but the bourgeois conception of the life (...)" (Freire, 1970), transnational corporations being the "key properties" coercion exercised through the State paradoxically detached from it to lead to a marked de-nationalization, so that the school is not impervious to the intensity of socio-economic crisis and the subsequent product of this framework, today the existence of visualizing growth processes in education and mass media, but as expressed in E. Tenti-Fanfani: "(...) there are several factors that act as a brake on this expansion. Some have to do with the characteristics of the offer (or outright absence) and others with the social conditions necessary to sustain the school of adolescents and youth, especially in contexts of crisis and social exclusion (...)" (Tenti-FANFANI: 2003), this leads to distortion of the teaching strategies and institutional as it becomes difficult to cope with new problems that occurred in our country, hindering the visualization of the true purpose and meaning of education in young people, so that "(...) in this situation where all inequalities (economic, social, political, cultural, etc.) tend to accentuate both in terms of social and territorial and institutional, it is foolish to propose an educational policy focused primarily on energy emanating from the so-called "civil society initiatives" or of the institutions (institutional autonomy) (...)" ( Tenti-FANFANI: 2003 Faced with the diversity of schools may be common features about the claims that hold either more inputs, demand for public school, educational equity, among others - and aspires to be more social type where the State has been the main character that has been deprived of achieving those goals. There is no denying that the emergence of acute problems in schools is a phenomenon that is causing changes in socio-political dynamics and inequalities that are reflected in schools , explains E.

Tenti-Fanfani: "(...) subordinate social groups who suffer the most stringent social and economic crisis have great difficulty in sustaining the education of new generations. A dangerous combination of problems of meaning (why go to school, to learn what is taught there, etc), performance problems (absenteeism, failure assessments, repetition, etc.) and shortages (which makes it more attractive and "rational" conduct an activity involving income to go to school) ends up disrupting the school career of adolescents and young people Tenti-FANFANI (...)"(: 2003)

Analyze the youth today, involves making new social subjects that complicate the socio-class structure, they are also exposed to successive crises and shape a collective consciousness, to understand its dynamics, it is necessary to observe the context in which they fit which is colored by the contradictions of class, there can be inferred that his character is fragmented, the underestimation of young people can not see his real power for change, as well as Cruz poses :"(...) Reguillo was easy young people make both "scapegoats" in recipients of institutionalized violence, as in Figure fearsome "enemy within" who breaks through the disruptive practices of the legitimate social orders (...)" (Reguillo CRUZ: 2000)

Given the unfavorable situations listed and which have become "natural" as expressed can lead us to "(...) Meirieu Phillippe sink into resignation for fear brought ourselves to the destruction of others and of ourselves, we prefer to destroy We all interest in the other. We thus escape but in reality, while we condemn ourselves to immobility: in rejecting the educability, we reject the educator and the educator, education renounce (...) "(Meirieu: 1998 ) therefore, I think to "escape the trap" may begin lasnormas respect democratic, how to organize and order our life together, in an educational context would banish vital educational inequity where the poorest are educated impoverished which prevents the system maintenance, or as expressly Blejmar Bernardo: "(...) why a system containing few schools for monitoring ,(...) - eg those that rely on universities-( ...) that has resources to manage, you have to be exceptional compared to the standard ....? "(BLEJMAR: 2001)

We should learn from the crisis, the errors, to eliminate the "pedagogy of suspicion", evidently the school without the presence of other organisms can not solve all conflicts, the State must assume principal responsibility for their improvement, they must built networks, putting into action the sense because the school is still a space where you try to learn, interact and think, should be capable of generating critical thinking, and this could start to build it as expressed by Paulo Freire "(...) by creation and recreation in ourselves and in our workplaces are those fundamental qualities which will enable us to realize our dreams (...)" (Freire: 1970)

Research paper fragment Neoliberalism, State and Education Case: Argentina by Miriam Gualberto (anthropologist, University of Buenos Aires) in February 2010.


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