Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Marketing Evil, Consuelo De Few

Some companies suffer from a disease that we might call "Marketing Evil?.

What this strange this wrong? What is the consequence?

The traditional approach tends to focus marketing only in the superficial aspects rather than substantial. A nice folder, a good brochure, a website modern and colorful.

These aspects are necessary but not sufficient for good health marketing.

Marketing as a discipline, science, and art is a process that integrates perception, understanding, stimulation, and meeting the needs of selected segments of patients.

While the traditional approach is both transactional (put focus on the quantitative) understanding of these processes can put the focus on relationships.

Relational rather than transactional. What binds us with patients, referral sources and staff. A comprehensive, holistic, rather than a cut in reality limited to "how many?. Because the amount depends on the quality. The quality of links, rather than the quality of services.

This last statement sounds heretical in many ears. How that quality is not prestacional main question to be health care company?

In fact if we look at the paragraph in question, we note that says "the quality of links, rather than the quality of services?.

Some companies offer excellent benefits, but deliberately not linked with patients. Do not get involved, do not take care of the human aspects involved in attention. They are very good technically and professionally, but fail in communication. They have become quasi-robots: perfect, but soulless.

Naturally, no one intends to say that attention "humanistic? alone can attest to good marketing. By contrast, the relationship with patients and co-star in the company's business will never be successful without incorporating metrics to evaluate the performance of the company and its team. This implies that work will be integrating the marketing function is implicit in each of the processes. Will have to work with the company's strategic culture and its members, so that everyone can identify new opportunities to improve the perceived quality.

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