Monday, July 23, 2012


Functions of cholesterol

Cholesterol is essential to life for its many functions:

1.Estructural: cholesterol is a major component of the plasma membranes of the animals (there is in plants). Although cholesterol is found in small amounts in cell membranes in the cytoplasmic membrane are in a 1:1 molar ratio with respect to the phospholipids, regulating their physicochemical properties, including fluency. However, cholesterol is found in very low proportion or is not involved in subcellular membranes.

2.Precursor of vitamin D essential for calcium metabolism.

3.Precursor of sex hormones: progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.

Corticosteroid hormones 4.Precursor of: cortisol and aldosterone.

5.Precursor of bile salts, essential in the absorption of some nutrients and lipid main route for excretion of cholesterol the body.

6.Precursor of lipid rafts.

What is it and how to control cholesterol

Both the excess blood cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), such as obesity, physical inactivity, high blood pressure and snuff, facilitate serious disease of circulatory diseases. If several of these factors add up in one person, the predisposition to the disease is triggered above is much higher.

should take into account these other "risk factors"

Although today the word 'cholesterol' is full of negative connotations associated with poor nutrition, and obesity cardiovasulares problems, in reality it is a necessary element for our body. The important thing is to know what it is, how it works and when it is detrimental to health.

Cholesterol is not nothing but a fat, a lipid specifically involved in many important physiological processes such as cellular, digestive, and in synthesizing hormones,

among other functions.

Our liver is capable of producing cholesterol the body needs. However, through food, we can receive an additional amount of this substance that, in many instances, is detrimental to health, especially for the heart. The origin of the increase in blood is derived mainly from the increase of the unsaturated fats in the diet, from foods with fat.

What should I eat if I have high cholesterol

In these cases, once the doctor Dectect an excess of this substance in the blood,

usually puts the patient regarding diet retrictiva fat intake. specialists recommend not only make life less sedentary, but to improve the diet with increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, rich in nutrients, fiber and fat

Also, eating more foods with unsaturated fats such as fish, skinless chicken-and-vegetable oils such as olive and seed (corn, sunflower). Should not miss high-fiber whole grains and cereals, rice, beans and pasta.

It usually suppress all foods with saturated fat: red meat, pork, lamb, cold meats, cheese and butter fat. Products with excess sugar and calories are also deleted (chocolate, pastries, sauces, pates), and those who are direct sources of cholesterol, egg yolk, some offal products and shellfish.

Excess salt and spices should also be avoided. And with it, preserves and preparations abuse of these condiments. Although not removed from the diet, you should moderate your intake of coffee, tea, soft drinks and milk (skim is best to use only). We must also get used to drinking lots of water throughout the day and needed at meals, and chew slowly and salivate well.

Regardless of diet, smoking or drinking alcohol are two other harmful habits of our life we ​​must eradicate if we want to have a hard cardio.

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All information you provide is general in nature, remember that this information alone can not replace health care or human services you may need.

Just provide an information and reference, please consult the health professional who deals with any concerns about your own health.

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