Thursday, August 16, 2012

5 ways to get traffic to your website by writing articles

One of the best ways to get traffic to your website using short articles about your topic. Here are five reasons you should write articles to get traffic to your website:

1. You get traffic when you submit your website in the author bio box / resources at the end of this article. Use the "first principle" to entice readers to visit your site. Place an intriguing question at the end of the article and answer the question on your site (and give them "more").

For example, at the end of this article, I use the question: "Want to learn more about writing articles to get traffic to your website?" Most likely every reader who reads the end of the article you want to know more and click through the link.

2. His articles are popular with search engines when you use commonly searched keyword phrases on the Internet. You should use the phrase in the title, first paragraph, at the end of this article, and one or two other places where it seems natural. Search engines will use this phrase of keywords to determine what your article and the site is about.

You can research common search phrases that use the keyword search tool at Overture Enter a phrase broad topic, and search for specific phrases niche keywords that fit your topic and provide an interesting article.

3. Raise your credibility as an expert with the items. Your article showcases your knowledge - and shows readers what you know about a topic without having to brag about your accomplishments.

4. Your articles can be written quickly since they are typically short and simple. The articles written for traffic should only be 300-600 words, or a page on your computer. Check your word count under the Tools> Word Count menu option.

Tip Bullets and articles are common on the Internet because readers usually skim rather than read. When writing your articles, break them into short paragraphs, bullets, and with easy-read sections.

5. Websites and newsletters all over the internet will tell the world about you. Website owners are constantly looking for new content to share with their audience. When you write an informative article that fits their target market, your knowledge will be shared with a new set of potential fans.

With a couple of articles to major sites such as article, you can get a horde of new visitors and traffic to your website .......

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