Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sales and Marketing - Align, Define and Make Money

Misaligned word is defined as "positioning or organize something improperly in relation to something else." Sounds like too many sales and marketing in corporate America. Although the two departments share the same corporate office, the approach to engage prospects and existing customers is often uneven. Here are six main areas of misalignment that many low of money each year:

1. The advertisement does not match customer needs.

Sales managers need to ask the marketing department to join their sales team calls and meetings a day. Market surveys and focus groups for research is good, but a meeting with prospects and customers to their place of work is better. "Ride-a-longs," as we call them for sale, is the best place to identify needs and gaps in the company product / service offering. And 'the day to day interaction with customers and prospects that provide real data to identify opportunities, challenges and industry trends.

2. There is a call to action, and not training for the sales team.

The marketing program is working; leads are generated, they are calling the right prospects, and new product launch comes as a success ... until the telephone is picked up by the seller untrained. The seller has not received any instructions in relation to building well-designed phone and did not value proposition for the new product. The result is a good marketing campaign with less than desirable sales results. A lot of money has been invested on the front end of the marketing campaign to create opportunities, and zero money has been invested on the back end to ensure that sales can close the opportunity.

3. The advertisement does not reach the real decision producer.

Business has changed after 9/11 Dot Com Bust and the changes including more people, different people, and a shift in purchasing power of influence. Businesses will continue to market influences buying old because the team is selling too busy to sit down and discuss with marketing:

- Who is buying.

- Because they are buying.

- New vulnerabilities.

- Criteria for Decision.

The company is aggressively marketing ... to the wrong people. Imagine going duck hunting in New York City ...

4. The advertisement does not correspond to the follow-up from the seller.

How many of you have received literature in an exclusive resort or high-end product? The marketing program worked until called to place your order. The seller on the phone line does not seem unique, can not answer basic questions, and, frankly, not so enthusiastic about your product / service. The enthusiasm and confidence is contagious, and in this case, the seller made you, "It 's better to keep looking."

Never tried this? Your marketing message promises that consultants are "professional and competent", but marketing and sales have not met to determine what "professional and competent" looks like a sales call. For example:

- Professional: If your sales meeting requires a leave behind, is the marketing piece to coincide with the prices that you charge? If the seller is a professional, they are showing for the appointment of five minutes early and in a suit that fits? Yes, I'm tired of seeing too short, too tight or too big in the conference room.

- Knowledge: The organization has figured out the FAQ in your industry? The sales team know the answers? What about competitive analysis? The seller of services to know the shortcomings of the competition so he / she can better place the call?

5. Using email marketing and follow-up for sales.

Email is an inexpensive way to trickle to the market outlook. Perspectives that respond to the e-mail compared to other types of marketing require a different type of follow-up. Traditionally, vendors immediately pick up the phone to follow up on a leash. The prospect e-mail does not want a telephone call and is often switched off by this type of follow-up. The marketing is generating a response, however, the effectiveness of the campaign is decreased due to an ineffective follow-up plane.

6. Happy repeat customers are ignored and the focus is on the development of new business only.

Everyone in business knows that it's more profitable to grow an existing account for seeking new business. When working with the sales team of strategic account management, I often hear: "I'm not sure if my clients know about our comprehensive service offerings." This is a problem of sales and marketing problem. Marketing can help sales by customers are aware of the depth and breadth offered by the organization through articles, special events, newsletters, direct mail, e-mail, etc. Sales can follow through the creation of review meetings to discuss work other products and services offered by the organization.

Align sales and marketing. Together is not just for romance - is a great way to make money .......

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