Monday, August 20, 2012

Tips to increase website traffic and ranking

Each site success depends on customer traffic. How do you improve your ranking on search engines and drive traffic to your website? There are many ways to do this. Some are free and some cost money. Learn how to get traffic and increase your ranking in search engines by reading the tips.

• Create a site with valuable content, products or services. Content gives the search engines substance and something to grab a hold of the word. When someone seeking information, search engines scan sometimes millions of pages looking for particular search phrase, and you enter the content. Relevant and valuable content will capture the attention of search engines and increase your positioning and traffic to your website.

• Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words on page content and spread them evenly throughout the document. The keywords the visitor is using Internet to seek information thewords your site will focus on. Placement of these keywords is important so that search engines can find the information. It 's better to put your keywords at the beginning of the content. Have you ever tried something and search so many layers down you gave up? Same with the search engines. The primary and secondary keywords buried in your web site to bury your site in search engines.

• Research and use the right keywords or phrases to attract customers. This can not be stressed enough. Keyword research is very important to the success of your website. Using keywords that do not target your market niche is a waste of time and money could be. Keyword research should be one of your priorities in research your business idea.

• Keep your site design simple so that customers can navigate easily between web pages, find what you want in your products and services and give it to them. This should be a part of your niche market research.

• Submit all or your own web pages for the most popular search engines and directory services. You can do this manually or hire someone to make some observations for you. Some do not recommend automated submission services but as a last resort and inexpensive, you can engage in this service. Submit your web pages for popular search engines monthly for increased website traffic and ranking.

• Keep an eye on your competitors and ranks the best websites to see what they are doing well as design, navigation, content, keywords and products. As the saying goes, "when in Rome do as the Romans do." This does not mean that literally copy, but if your site is successful duplicate their efforts to increase traffic sites.

• Most of all web hosting companies will have some type of analyzer to see traffic, where traffic is, ranking, and other reports relevant to your website. You can determine if the traffic comes from search engines and links. Review the information to see what you are doing right and what needs work.

• Other ways to increase traffic to your website, which will increase your ranking in search engines, is to provide relevant content. Write a newsletter, submit articles to ezines with a link to your site, join a forum and promote your site, give away something for free are great ways to drive traffic to your website and increase your website ranking.

• Use some type of program announcement as PPC (Pay Per Click), AdWords, AdSense, link sharing, and many others.

• Use the keywords in the right fields and references within your web page. Some web developers recommend using the key words in the Header, Title, Meta Tags, and, of course, your whole site. Depending on who you speak or what you have read the keywords in your Meta tags are not as important as the web expands. However, this is never a bad idea just to cover the base for the website traffic and ranking.

The best way to increase web traffic and ranking is to provide a content rich, secure, and the website of value-oriented market niche specific. All this is achieved through research and trial and error .......

1 comment:

  1. You can increase website traffic and page rank very easily.
    1)You can submit Forums
    2)You can submit your sites in Blogs,You need to submit where your site link needed...You won't spam
    3)You can submit directories to get Backlinks from many sites ,Countries
    5)You can also promote by Facebook,Twitter,orkut etc.These aresocial networking promotion helps to drive free traffic.
    5)You can also answer open Question and Answers
    these are all free SEO methods for promoting the website to get website traffic and increase page rank.
    To get massive traffic and Quick Google Page rank,Visit the site get the Search Engine Visibility service, this SEO service promote the sites in many different ways increase traffic and page soon .
