Sunday, August 19, 2012

Web Based CRM Solutions

CRM solutions are business strategies that help in building a healthy relationship with customers. They have become a milestone in the marketing strategies of modern business organizations. Earlier, CRM solutions was based on client-server architecture. On the shoulders of some of the solutions of the model client-server CRM has led to the development of web-based CRM solutions. The web-based CRM solutions are designed primarily business strategies for e-commerce.

While the World Wide Web serves as a platform for web-based CRM solutions, the software must be installed on a single server. The installed software is accessible from any remote location, and any changes in the software will be reflected throughout the system. The client-server CRM model does not support remote access or wireless devices. But, web-based CRM solutions are provided with access to wireless devices such as PDAs and WAP phones.

In a Web-based CRM solution, only the central server must be maintained. Thus, web-based CRM solutions are very profitable. When compared with client-server CRM solutions, web-based CRM solutions are more flexible and easy to maintain. Since the solutions are web-based CRM web based, can be spread more quickly than conventional solutions and CRM client-server CRM solutions. Moreover, the addition of new customers in a solution of CRM-based web is very easy. The number of users in web-based CRM solution is unlimited.

NetGain, Upshot, SAP, clarify, ONYX, Trilogy, Oracle, Siebel Systems, and Firstwave Technologies, Inc. are some of the leading vendors of web-based CRM solutions .......

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