Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ebook Marketing Online - You have two choices

This is not a long article so let's cut to the chase. When you're marketing online ebook you have two choices - you can be "nice" or you can sell!

And let's face it, the purpose of marketing is to sell. Pure and simple.

So while there's nothing wrong with being "nice", does nothing for your bank account.

Now before you think I'm claiming to be ugly or unpleasant in some way, I would say that certainly are not. Although there was an ebook that has done very well a little 'back in which he flat out insulting people, I do not think that's a good idea in 99.9% of cases.

But being nice does not cut it either. There are thousands of people online ebook marketing, some of them will be your competitors. If your voice is not strong, if the message is not compelling, you lose out. Your potential customer will become them.

So, take a look at your sales copy on your website. You're saying "please buy my ebook"? You are kindly suggesting that your book is good enough?

Or: "Look, this ebook will change your life!" Saying: "This ebook will make you richer, stronger, better ...", "buy this and the problem you had with XYZ will be a thing of the past."

OK, maybe a little 'extreme, but you get my point? You do not have to be like a snake oil salesman, credits, obviously false or inflated, but if your ebook online marketing is going to be successful you need to convince people that you offer something that your competitors do not.

You also need to do it quickly. While there is little chance of catching the attention of the visitor. I know a lot of ebook sales pages are quite long and often you have to scroll down and read a lot 'of details, but in reality the most important work is done at the top of the screen, what we call "above the fold. "

Study sites of other people. Go to ClickBank and pick any category and look at some examples. The people who really have the skills of good online marketing ebook to attract your attention in the first couple of paragraphs. They make you want to read to discover the "secret" or "solution" or anything else.

They are usually not thin, are not usually "nice". It is BANG! Here's what you're having trouble with. CRASH! Here's the solution.

Subtle, no. Effective? Oh yes.

Perhaps you're thinking right now that you know best. Your softly approach is different. Maybe you're right.

But you might want to consider why so many people a harder approach. Some of these companies spend thousands of market research and business have several million U.S. dollars ebook, think that maybe they know a thing or two?

Ebook marketing online is actually not that complicated. Just take a look at what happened to the publishers are doing and do the same .......

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