Monday, August 13, 2012

How to Sell Your World of Warcraft account to maximize the profit on eBay

Trying to sell your account for World of Warcraft WoW? You are not alone, hundreds of accounts are offered on eBay every week. Unfortunately, Blizzard has been waging war against the small seller lately, and with the eBay VeRO policy to have auctions canceled. Why Blizzard would take care of hiring someone to specifically target individuals, when big companies are making millions of people is a mystery. Regardless, they chose to attack players selling on eBay. This guide will show you how to make more money in your World of Warcraft auction, and dramatically reduce Blizzard's ability to cancel the auction just before you sell.

The vast majority of accounts for sale on eBay carry some sort of disclaimer. While it may seem legal and official, are not worth the time to "cut and paste". Keep in mind that what you are really selling is your login, password, and the answer to your secret question. None of these elements are, or may be copyrighted by Blizzard, or violate intellectual property laws. Blizzard should have sole legal action against anyone who sells this information, would be to cancel the account. It 's highly unlikely that Blizzard could or would. They are in business to make money, and I do not care where it comes from. Again, do not bother with the disclaimer, it's a waste of time, and will not prevent your auction is canceled.

Once you have decided to sell your account, the first thing you need is an eBay account, which allows access to several key features: buy it now, bid at an auction a day, and more. Do not waste your time with seven day auctions. You are just inviting Blizzard to cancel the auction prior to arrival, all frustrating end who was bidding, and forces you to relist and I hope people come back and bid. The easiest way to get access to these functions, is to be tested, which costs $ 5. If you can not be verified, you will need to acquire feedback from 0.01 recipe or ebook sellers, and meet a few other rules eBay imposes.

If you have an account that is a few days with zero feedback, do not get your hopes up. You simply have to always be a fraction of what they would have received had you taken the time to buy a feedback or get verified. In essence, you're asking someone to send electronic money based on some screens, or unverifiable claims. Want to send someone hundreds if their ebay account has 24 hours to live? Most people prefer to spend more for an account less than the risk.

Once your eBay account will let you use the buy it now, auction day, and offer better features, you can use any of the following combinations to max your purchase price and, prevent Blizzard to cancel your Auction. I suggest the following: buy three days with the best offer feature. This does three things: first it gives the buyer a sense of urgency due to time constraints, you set the price bar, and allows you to make offers under the buy-out price. You'll either get an offer that you want a buyout, or the auction expires, and you relist. Unless you have money in a hurry, be patient. You may have to relist your auction several times, but if it means getting a few hundred more for your account, it is worth the extra expense.

Another strategy is to use one rods per day. This allows for competition, but the 24 hour limit prevents Blizzard of time to cancel your auction. Their VeRO request needs to be stored and processed, and by that time your auction is over. The advantage of a day auctions is the frequency you can relist with, every 24 hours. Ebay The search function shows the default order in which auctions are ending, soonest first. This means that your auctions will be constantly on top of the list, and a buyer must react immediately to get your account.

Not recommended to use the seven or ten days at auction. In this way Blizzard with ample opportunity to present a VeRO complaint, and get your auction canceled. Rest assured, the intent of Blizzard is to wait until you have bidders and make everyone angry getting the auction canceled.

Following this guide, together with a detailed design, tender and well thought out, will net you hundreds more that the vast majority of sellers. Conti sell in the range $ 700 1k all the time, and there is no reason you can not get your piece .......

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