Friday, August 17, 2012

Building eBay Niche Store

So what is BANS?

BANS is to build a niche store, in reality it is a website builder that creates a network in your eBay Web site focused around the eBay affiliate and partner networks.

Simply choose a popular niche, build your business niche, promote and make money. Its simple as popping a chocolate fondant. Just repeat traffic, your bank will be filled with money unheard of. The power of the prohibitions makes you become addicted to the use of this system.

The prohibitions and combinations eBay

EBay BANS currently supports 12 networks covering Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Spain, France, India, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom and the United States and hold a combined product inventory of more than 60 million products.

How well does it work?

It runs only around a 5 step system to build a keyword rich eBay Stores completely on your website.

Step 1: Choose your country

Your country of choice will determine which specific products will be marketing the eBay marketplace.

If you choose then it will be the creation of niche websites focused on listed products and will then marketing them to buyers on-line in the United States.

If you choose the country as claimed by another BANS you will do the same for that marketplace, selected country and that country based on buyers and so on.

Step 2: Choose your niche

With your chosen destination country bans you then install and once installed your first choice for your new prohibitions within the administration panel is the niche that you want to hit.

If you choose the related category BANS Wii Wii shop to build a related affiliate of eBay, the category of golf then a golf shop eBay affiliate.

Straight out of the box your store:

1. Contain all the products listed on eBay relevant to your chosen niche.

2. Contain a sub-category navigation based on the hierarchical category of eBay.

3. They have all the functions of the eBay market research.

4. You have your eBay affiliate id embedded in each link of the product outside of eBay.

5. Be completely SEO friendly.

Phase 2 is complete ...

Step 3: Develop your new website for "Match your market"

With your basic store built after the development is ...

BANS is a complete content management with the development features to suit any professional website builder.

The purpose of this stage of development is "to match your market", which means - do you feel as if it was related to your niche to target (by design), and add breadth and depth through the store page and features page of content.

With a bit 'of time spent inside the BANS admin panel you can turn straight out of the store in a single box that is related to your niche and has to store pages that are targeting the keywords that the market is actually used to find the products listed in their store.

Once in the creation of content you can add new pages, your site to as many as you are willing to write or are written. As with any website or blog, every new page you add keywords more goals in the search engines which means more targeted traffic and more eBay affiliate commissions.

Again, all this development is done on-line access in your BANS admin panel.

Step 4: Market your website to your niche target

Once you are "happy" with your new business niche is the time to turn your attention to marketing.

If you have targeted golf then you want to attract golfers interested in buying specific pieces of golf equipment, whether it is a used bike shop that has built up then you're looking for people who are in the process of buying a new bike .

Following a set of basic marketing principles including content creation, SEO, article marketing, forum marketing, Squidoo lenses, social bookmarking, link building, USFreeads and PPC you will soon find buyers for the products you have chosen to market and will make a steady supply of eBay affiliate commissions. (Please note that there are an increasing number of threads in our forum member to discuss these strategies).

At this point you can then choose to spend more time developing your niche store (in particular the addition of more pages of content), pursue a more aggressive marketing strategy, or ...

Step 5: Begin to build your eBay affiliate empire

Once you have familiarized yourself with the software and have built, developed and marketed the first site you will have a good understanding of how the system works.

You can then start adding to your niche store portfolio by building new stores to target new niche markets.

If you commit to the project, operate and use our forum member as a support structure for the development soon you find yourself with your growing portfolio of websites affiliated with eBay which are successfully funneling buyers to eBay and adding a nice monthly income on your bank account!

There are no predetermined limits with regard to the depth of each shop that is created or the width of your wallet ... back what you put in. .. and an inventory of products from over 60 million products on the market there are more opportunities than they will ever be possible to target.


Choose your country, choose your niche, develop your site, market your site, rinse and repeat! To make money without selling anything eBay

If you follow this system is that the prohibitions is the perfect platform for the construction of a new and long-term income from the internet.

As a beginner, I built a Hi-Tech USA Store eBay Affiliate of the ads and auctions for products ranging from popular niches, namely, Wii, Apple iPhone, iPod touch, digital cameras targeted at customers in the United States , you can visit my site for a free, easy navigation to localize their products of interest to instead of searching the entire eBay ....

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