Friday, August 31, 2012

Public Relations at its best - A review of the book

Most people complain of our newspapers, radio and TV. They also complain on the Internet and all media that brings us our news stories, but the media is not bad. For example, if you own a small business can turn this into your favor and allow the media to run stories about your company, compelling stories of public interest ", that help drive customers to your business. This is really Public Relations at its peak.

If you want to learn more about how to use the media to help your company bring in new customers, and allows you to increase profits without spending an arm and a leg on advertising and marketing guy then, I have the book for you! This is a book that helped me in my business, and has helped our members in their various markets. This is a book that is on my library shelves personal business, and the name of the book;

"Using the Media" by Patricia Walden, 1977.

In the book the author describes the types of stories and community involvement that newspapers often pick up to run on their front page. It also explains how you can work with local radio stations at community events and end up with the free air time. If you want to know how to deal with the local cable stations, or how to write press releases, or contact the editorial without looking too greedy, everything in this book explains how to do just that. If all this sounds good to you, then I highly recommend the book. Indeed, I hope that you should do it .......

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