Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Google Sandbox - How To Get early release

What is the Google Sandbox

The Google Sandbox is an algorithmic filter designed by Google and implemented around March 2004 with the aim of eradicating spam sites by placing all new websites under quarantine for a period of assessment.

How Does The Google Sandbox effect your new site?

Although the Google sandbox was designed with the primary aim of targeting spam sites, in fact affects all new websites.
The general consensus in SEO (search engine optimization) circles is that the functions of Google sandbox algorithm to prevent new sites to blast their way to the top of Google (using all means possible) and websites of overtaking effects of quality have been around for years.

What is the Sandbox?

Google is a non-discriminatory - well anyway, at least in the Google sandbox is concerned - so that all and sundry are equally invited to the party sandbox.

How Long Will Your Website Remain In The Google Sandbox?

As far as Google is concerned not all sandbox invites are equal. Some factors will determine the length of your stay in the Google sandbox. If the keywords of your website is targeting are highly competitive so your site will be quarantined for longer.
If you think about it, this approach makes sense. Most spam sites have one goal ... to make money as quickly as possible. So therefore the average spam site will target big profit keywords which naturally tend to be more competitive.

Following this thought, if your website focuses on keywords and markets that are not very competitive, your stay in the Google sandbox will be much shorter.

But it seems that, regardless of factors such as a good on-page optimization, incoming backlinks and original content, the average length of the Google sandbox is 3 months.

How D'You Know you're a Bona Fide Guest To The Google Sandbox Party?

I am a bit 'picky these people Google. They do not want anyone to find them! Then, using a squad of average bouncer trying to ensure that you are not a bit 'annoying gate crasher! These bouncers check thoroughly to make sure you actually have the right credentials to bash Google Sandbox. These credentials include:

* New Site

* Having good Google page rank (PR), but rank bad for primary keywords

* Having good number of inbound links is still low rankings for targeted keywords first

* Having a good home page rank of zero, but PR for internal pages

* See page rank, but still are not indexed by Google

Things to do while frolicking in Google's Sandbox

Like most other situations of life, here it has a number of choices.

You can sulk, fret, stamp your feet and moan and groan that the Google sandbox party sucks

... Or you can get into the swing of things and use your time effectively:

* Go ahead and add quality content to your site coming to birth.

* Work to increase the number of inbound links (quality links not only link ole)

* Tweak and improve the quality of the search engine optimization of your site

* Write articles

The list of things to do while sweating and grinding at the Google sandbox getdown is limitless.

The purpose of doing these things is that by the time they were released you from the Google sandbox, your website will rank much better for competitive keywords you are targeting and will have better search pages (SERP engine rank) lists site of a competitor with similar features ...

... Because instead of doing what you did, the owner spent the time complaining and lamenting the fact that their website had been hijacked by those people hard to Google.

Shorten your stay in the Google Sandbox

Ok no one can deny it ... those Google guys that can throw one heck of a party! And so they should! If you have more money and can not throw a decent bash ... Well you get the picture.

But let's be honest ... who in their right mind wants to stay in the Google sandbox forever?

The question is ... you can cut short the time spent frolicking in the crystal with gold Googleland sandbox?

You can not say with absolute certainty (after all, a lot of seo speculation is just that ... informed speculation), because, in the same way that Coca Cola does not go out of his way to divulge the secret ingredients of its formula nor Google has completely spill the beans on its algorithm.

However, the following was observed to shorten the duration of a site in the Google sandbox:

* Register your domain name for over a year (spam sites are rarely registered for more than a year)

* Load the site for live viewing as soon as possible even if not ready for prime time (content-wise). Tweak the content later on or on-the-fly. The logic is that the spiders will crawl your site first. A further advantage is that, like your ideal vacation, and there is a positive change content to search engines as constantly changing content (think blog).

* Maintain good practices seo-linking campaigns. This way you kill two birds with the same stone. SEO community wants to see the speculation that Google has another filter in place to mitigate the effect of newly acquired connections. The thought is that the new incoming links are not allotted full value immediately, in an attempt to counter the habit of buying links, and other purchasing systems link. So if you started your acquisition of quality links, while the site was still in the Google sandbox, at the time of his probation, which would have drastically reduced the so-called damping factor of new bonds.

Start your campaign Quality Links ...

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