Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Your Non-Profit Organization - What is a Founder to do?

Many non-profit founders struggle with the decision of what to do once the startup is launched. The basic options are to serve on the board (often as Chair) or fill the position of Executive Director. The differences between the two options are much more significant than a simple fact that they are paid for their work. The balance of power and responsibilities of the roles are quite diverse, and the founders must be realistic about the role they will do their utmost for the organization, not only for themselves.

In general, members of non-profit are not paid for their work, but this does not mean that their workload is light! The nonprofit board is responsible for all provisions of the 'organization - the policy setting, the development of the strategic plan, management of the Executive Director - they are also primarily responsible for supporting the financial needs of the business.

Board members should be very comfortable dealing with the "big picture" and staying out of the details. They must be willing (wanting is better) to spend an inordinate amount of time networking. And not only the networking easy with people they already know, but the intense shake-and-How's targeted individuals required to solicit and obtain funds for the nonprofit. They must be extremely articulate and possess a deep understanding of what the organization is trying to do and how they are trying to get it done. Council members are the public face of the organization and must always be ready to represent in a positive light.

Executive directors in the trenches of the organization. The leadership skills required of top staff position, lean more toward the classic corporate fundamentals. They must be comfortable with the planning, marketing, and financial management basics every business needs. Their time and task management skills must be outstanding to stay on top of all aspects of the nonprofit. Their communication skills must be superb as well - Executive Director is responsible for ensuring that the board has the information they need to govern effectively.

Many founders are willing to assume the role of Executive Director in order to remain involved in day to day activities of the nonprofit. Although they are the most passionate about working, it is essential that they recognize the importance of fundamental research in that position. For the founders who decide to hold a board position, however, it is essential to trust the staff to handle the details of operations. A role of council members' is at a higher, "big picture" level the Executive Director. The confusion about this distinction tends to lead to serious problems with the Founder's syndrome.

Founder Syndrome is a real threat to a non-profit growth. This phenomenon occurs when the founder tries to maintain complete control of every aspect of the organization. FYI, for-profit organizations often run into similar problems, but in those cases only the founder himself is influenced ... and most often do not realize what the problem is never! In the nonprofit sector, Founder's syndrome leads to obvious difficulties - it is more difficult to find members of the board of quality, more difficult to draw significant donors, more difficult to recognize and implement the necessary changes in policies, programs or operations.

The best way to avoid the slippery slope syndrome Founder is to recognize the need to step back once the nonprofits are launched and the choice of a role within the organization that fits the founder's skills, interests and personality .......

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