Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to Start a Blog Fashion Design - 7 Steps to set up the Fashion World Ablaze with your blog

Are you a fashionista with a capital "F." You are on a first name basis with the top designers. We predict fashion trends before they happen. So why not share your love of fashion design with the world through a blog? As we shall see, there are only a few simple steps to start a fashion blog. Anyone can do it, but it will be 'your thing makes it special.

Step 1: Sign up with a host blog. Do not worry, this sounds technical, but it's actually pretty simple. By signing up with a hosting service, all content of your blog is hosted on host computer. And you avoid having to do all the technical work yourself. Many of the landlords, like WordPress and Blogger are free, easy, and have models that can be used to set up your blog in minutes. When you subscribe, you'll also get to name your blog.

Step 2: Decide on a niche. Fashion is a very broad category, so consider focusing on a specific area of ​​fashion that you are more enthusiastic. Whether you're an expert on shoes, go-to gal on bargain hunting, or a student of fashion design school with advice for other students, choosing a niche makes you an expert in that field and increases the chances of being read .

Step 3: Be a sponge for information. Read more: newspapers, magazines, fashion, entertainment rags, the latest best-selling chick lit. Surfing the web for other fashion blogs, web sites are established and up and coming designers, commercial sites, and reviews of collections. You never know what might inspire a blog post. As you sift through articles and websites, save anything that catches your eye in a file of inspiration that can be referenced later.

Step 4: Write! Do not let writer's block you from posting your first post. Think of writing a blog how to write a note for his friends. Just write from the heart, and you'll be fine.

Step 5: Be an expert in social media. In addition to keeping people updated on your Facebook and Twitter accounts, you should also follow as many people as possible. Be active in your own pages, constantly commenting on their posts, and will return the favor. This is true for other fashion blogs. Join the community of others blogs, comments and suggestions, and readers of this blog posting is about you.

Step 6: Get out there. There's more to fashion blogging sitting at your laptop. Want to be seen throughout the city to attend every event is a fashion, trunk shows from fashion shows to the sample sales. Print business cards that identify themselves as a blogger and distribute them. Soon, people in the industry you will be invited to their events, in the hope that you blog about them.

Step 7: Set a simple revenue stream. Why not let your blog to make money in your sleep? With a few clicks, you can include an advertising program like Google AdSense, which places small, unobtrusive ads on your blog. When readers click on those ads, you make money. Or you can also set up an affiliate program with an online retailer like Amazon, where you get a percentage of sales when someone enters the store through your blog.

After performing these steps, remember that most important thing in the launch of a blog is to have fun. Because when you enjoy writing the blog about fashion, people enjoy reading it .......

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