Friday, August 24, 2012

New Breed Auctions - Brilliant style, or just a marketing scam?

Auction countdown and unique bid auctions are more opportunities to win items for almost nothing, even if the objects are of significant value. Or that's what these auctions claim to be. One wonders when something seems too good to be true.

If the items are so cheap then as Sites make money?

This is what people really want to know. There must be a catch somewhere. The trick is that with most of the sites of this type, if not all, you have to pay to bid. This means that if you win or not, you are spending money for each bid you place and, in theory, more deals can increase your chance of winning. But more bids do not guarantee a win.

Marketing scams are?

You know you should be careful what you do online. Some of these sites are required to be scams. Some auction sites have employees or bots that make fake bids only way you can continue to pay to make offerings to counter these false offers. Sometimes you can not win or even if you win the prizes are not delivered. Care must be taken for sites that are total scams.

But are the real sites scams? It is wrong to pay to bid, although it can not win anything? You have a choice whether or not to visit these sites so you can answer this question for you.

Auction countdown and most unique bid auctions will give you the chance to win expensive items for little money. These auctions attract all those who want to beat the system and save a lot of money. The problem is that with a lot of competitors, one winner for each auction, and a site that charges you for each bid you make, which could not be who is getting the best deal at the end .......

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