Monday, August 13, 2012

Tips on parenting

Parenting is simply the method of bringing up your children from birth until they become adults. Parenting begins soon after giving birth to her child. And by this stage, you are bound to give them all the information that they need to grow as important members of society.

First of all, you need to know the duties of a parent should look to their children.

Physical Security

Ensure that physical security is first and foremost duty of a parent. This mainly means to provide adequate housing, clothing, as well as nutrition to your children. This also means caring for the health of your brothers, as well as protection against the dangers that can happen to them. Proper guidance should always be observed in parenting.

Physical Development

After providing physical security, next thing you should consider is providing physical development. That means training your children to enhance their physical skills through games and other physical activities that would benefit them. Proper nutrition also falls in the bottom of this category.

Intellectual security

Then there is the providence of intellectual security to your children. This means creating a peaceful environment in your homes, no verbal abuse that could affect the child welfare.

Intellectual development

After the intellectual security is intellectual development. Proper education should be given to children, because it is their right to be educated. Moreover, it could promote the intellectual development of your children, teach them some ethics and standards of this world. As parents, you are also their first teacher, so while they are young, teach them how to write, read and count. Lead them even while they are studying.

Emotional security and development

After the physical and mental health of your children, the next thing to consider is their emotional well-being. Show your kids how much you care for them, showing your love for them. Some things you could do is to embrace them, kiss them and caress them. Children always want to feel that they are being loved by the people around them. So, as a parent, you are the first that should be showing this to them.

Parenting is not an easy job. One should be prepared in the full sense of the word. This means that financially, physically, emotionally prepared as well. The future of your children and that would in the future is in your hands. The type of person that would depend on how they parent. For this reason, parents do not take for granted.

Know your duties as a parent is the most important parenting tip that you can get. Your children need full attention and care you would give them in various areas of their life: physical, mental and emotional.

Even if everything could be summed up in one word ... Love. Show your true love to your children is the best thing you can give it to them. As they say, love conquers all. So, show your love to your children, and certainly, I love you too .......

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