Monday, August 20, 2012

Pros and cons of a monthly Ezine Newsletter

I had a few people ask me what is the purpose of a newsletter, ezine good. The truth, however, is that I do not think an ezine works for every niche in every situation. Sure enough, it is necessary to offer some form of regular autoresponder, but it should be a periodic newsletter with information in your niche? This depends on several factors - first of which is if your niche is actually a source of news information articles full of interesting ideas.

The Pro

There are a lot of obvious advantages and disadvantages here. First of all, you're going to build your reputation as an expert in the field. You can show your readers that you keep your ear to the ground, pay attention to the news spread, and are able to provide them, when it becomes available. This is a huge step forward in building confidence, no matter what your market.

'In addition, a newsletter is a great way to attract attention more than a primary link. If you have multiple websites or are promoting products or services from other sites, a newsletter that is produced every month can be tremendously powerful, providing a permanent forum for "new products" and "reviews".

The Cons

So, what exactly is a fraud against writing a monthly newsletter? For starters, your niche should be a good write. Some niches may not have much in terms of "time sensitive" information to share with your readers. This may make it difficult to come up with new things to write each month.

On top of a lack of information, you may find that a monthly newsletter is damaging to offer more personal tone in your standard autoresponder messages. They can also cause a gap in series between messages that are sent from your autoresponder. Why is charging of those auto-reply messages to be sent at intervals based on when your readers sign up, have a monthly newsletter may overlap, resulting in too many messages that come too close to each other. It can also result in a leeching effect, drawing attention away from your primary offering in autoresponders.

What should you do?

So what is the answer, then? If you have a monthly newsletter or not? Once again, the question boils down to what your niche is and what your plans are autoresponder. I should totally, as value as possible in your email marketing campaigns. If this means writing more each month, by all means do so. However, if somehow leeches away from normal email marketing campaign, to reconsider whether your ezine will work .......

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