Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Internet Domain Registration FAQs

Web site addresses have two parts, the domain name and the domain top. The domain name refers to the main part, for example, yahoo in http://www.yahoo.com. The TLD is the last part, as in com. The top-level domain name gives the visitor a brief idea of ​​what the site is about: net for network providers, edu? for educational institutions, and? org? for nonprofit organizations.

All domain names are registered in the United States (Domain Name Server) DNS database, which is managed by the regulatory body ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Different registers, like Go Daddy register the domain names, depending on the availability of the domain name. When you register a domain, a small fee. For users who wish to have anonymous domain registration, this fee will be a bit 'higher. The InterNIC (Network Information Center) which is responsible for U.S. domains, charges $ 70 for a recording of two years.

Domain names can also be accessed without typing WWW in front. The domain name availability can be checked on the sites that are linked to the WHOIS database. This database provides information on contact details such as name, phone number and address. Sites like http://www.easywhois.com can be used to check the availability of the domain.

Domain names can only have characters between 0-9 and AZ. The hyphen (-) is permitted, but can not be placed at the beginning or end of the domain name. The maximum number of characters allowed is 63.

A domain name may be registered for a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 years. Usually renewal is required between 2-5 years.

Once the InterNIC specifies that the domain name was registered, it takes about 72 hours for it to become active.

Files must be transferred from a website FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Each site will have a user-set login and password that will protect the site from other people who access change data.

Some website providers restrict the number of visits that a website can receive. A better solution for sites that have a lot of traffic is moving to a dedicated server .......

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