Friday, August 24, 2012

Getting traffic to your website - a few simple tips

So you have a great looking website that shows your prospects exactly what your product or service can do for them, perhaps also a great shopping cart just waiting for customer orders. Have you built that will be fine? Well ', not really, your site is just one of millions out there, how are the prospects going to find?

Search Engine Optimisation - Planning the structure of web sites and content so that search engines can easily understand what you are all about is a way to get traffic, but the results can be disappointing and months may elapse before success is sees. The big advantage however is that if you succeed, your efforts may lead to a lot of free traffic from natural listings for your keywords. The field of SEO is always evolving, but one thing remains clear is that writing in a natural style pages with keyword phrases in the titles and headings is essential. Forget trying to compete with the masses for individual keywords, phrases, short focus on your target audience can use when surfing the web.

Pay per Click Advertising - The fastest way to get your website noticed. you can pay to be listed in search engines as long as the web pages are relevant to the keywords your prospects are sought. Opening an account with the Google AdWords program is painless and management of your PPC campaign is very simple. Of course the downside here is that the cost involved depending on the competition for your keywords could be quite high.

Article Marketing - If you can write articles of 400-500 words say a lot like this, you can submit these articles to article directories like EzineArticles or GoArticles and have them listed, and maybe even copied to other websites. The advantage of this is that the articles or notes attached bio, contain a link to your website. This can bring in some traffic, but the spread of these links over several websites that can help raise the profile of your website in natural search engine listings.

Blogging - Adding a blog to your site or building as a blog to begin with, can also help blogs tend to be collected in the search engines due to their constant updates of content. Search engines love sites are constantly updated to keep up regular posts is definitely a good idea. Write each post on a topic associated with your service or product using the keyword phrase in the title and post.

Social Bookmarking - can bring great results in some cases. Using sites like Digg or Delicious to store pages with the appropriate tags can bring some a few surfers, but again those links can help raise your profile sites just like article marketing. Use a good eye catching way to attract traffic from other bookmarks .......

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