Friday, August 24, 2012

How to market your eBook Self-Published

One of the questions I get from writers who have never written an ebook for the sole purpose of self-publishing is: "How do you promote a self-published eBook? Where to even begin?"

Many writers are reluctant to even attempt to play editor, but if they only knew that it is not as difficult as they think, most continue to keep all the profits, I feel that more people realize that self-publishing an ebook is not only a profitable company, but they are really easy to promote as long as you take a no-nonsense approach to guerrilla marketing.

As long as you have a market, and have a quality eBook that is free of errors, your eBook can become a success, so to give you that added income. But, the nice thing is that it will not be sharing the profits with anyone. There is no overhead, except for the costs of the site, you should already have.

I have successfully promoted several eBooks for me and for my writing group, getting those eBook # 1 position in search engines.


This is where your guerrilla marketing plan comes in.

Here are some simple ways that I used to promote the eBook and get them to the top of search engines:

1) Using the search keywords in all my sales page and on every single piece of promotional material I send out.

2) Using free sites news releases, frequently, keeping in mind to use those search keywords not only in the title, but also throughout the release.

3) Use of free article banks as vehicles for connecting my sales page on hundreds and hundreds of websites.

4) Use Toilets on-line and get my free eBook.

5) Use forum writer and web sites that allow you to announce your eBook.

6) Use of blogs to advertise and promote your eBook.

7) Using others' blogs to configure virtual book tours.

The secret to selling self-published eBook (or any type of eBook or print book, for that matter) is to get your link on websites as many as you can. We must remember, you have an electronic book. You can not go on book signing, so you have to rely on the Internet to get the word out. But, following the seven examples above, I'll guarantee you the sales you need.

So what if you did everything above, and your eBook is not for sale?

Where some authors go wrong is that they can not remember the most important thing you need in order to sell all kinds of books - a market.

No type of promotion is going to do any good unless you have an audience that is willing to shell out the money.

Before you put down that first word, ask yourself these questions:

Who is going to buy my eBook?

Why does my eBook any different eBook Shot by Joe on the same topic?

What will be my gain public from my eBook?

They can already find this information easily on the Internet?

My buyers gain something from my eBook, or simply to entertain?

Pique interest of potential buyers.

Send an excerpt on your website so that they can judge for yourself if your eBook will be something they need.

Once you get in the mindset of the buyer, things start falling into place, and you have the sales that you want.

Zero in on the market, and take whatever steps I described above, and I'll guarantee that you will be selling ebooks.

Promotion of good wishes to you!

Dorothy Thompson...

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