Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Planning Auto SEO - Do not Experiment trusted ethical SEO Consultants

Have you ever thought to optimize your site yourself? Probably yes, especially if you are new to the phenomenon of online marketing business. Initially, the companies believe they can optimize their web page by simply coining keywords. This not only saves money but also bring more business to rank high in search engines. Unfortunately, in reality is totally different. Make your site SEO friendly and the promotion of the site for the right keywords for the right market in the right way is more important.

Webmasters have the general tendency to follow the SEO tips and tutorials on the web and start optimizing your site, as for the suggestions. But the fact remains that every business has different needs, different structure of the site, to target a specific market and needs a unique branding strategy. A working strategy for a web site might not work for another site.

SEO without proper planning, research and complete knowledge can lead to huge loss for the current web presence of your website. Your website could be promoted for the wrong set of keywords, with all might hamper your efforts. In fact, chances are you could do something that may be considered spam and your web site can get penalized. So, if you are also promoting your site on their own or plan to do, then make sure you never commit the following mistakes that typically webmasters usually non-

The lack of focus - Many Internet entrepreneurs chase a variety of ideas from the frustration and little constructive work. The key is to develop a niche business and focus on it all the time. Therefore, integrated research and competitive analysis is required to set goals and objectives. If you are not sure how to do this or do not have more time to hire SEO consultants to help you identify your target customers and make proper planning to focus on them.

Being a Copy Cat - Most website owners think that copying content from other websites and make small changes is good enough to rank higher in search engines. Be aware that search engines hate duplicate content and penalize the sites involved in it. The content must be unique and compelling, but also well optimized according to your preferences and keywords for search engines.

Back Link Spamming - This is one of the most common mistakes made by most of the SEO space. They have this idea that if more are the number of links pointing to the main site, it would be their page higher in search engine with a consequent increase in traffic. But this is not entirely correct. Backlinks should be natural, quality and relevant then only they can help your site otherwise your site may be considered collectively hat SEO techniques such as link spamming, link farming, etc. always hire SEO experts mainly for activities connect your building.

Hidden Text - Hidden text means that you publish something on the web where the visibility is compromised by the use of small text or color coding. The search engines are against this practice and may prohibit a website for the implementation of this. So you must be aware of all guidelines set by Google and adhere to them.

Images and URLs - Those who do not know the importance of keywords usually put the images on the site as picture1.jpg. However, we recommend the use of professionals as a sun.flower.jpg acceptable SEO practices. Similarly URL should not go unnoticed. Use keywords relevant to the design of the structure of the URL and do not forget that the URL structure can play a major role.

Optimization of the robots.txt file - This is the most important file on your server which decides Jelsoft search engine to your website. This should be strictly managed by experts or SEO consultants. Even a small error in the file can affect your efforts.

So if you plan to do the SEO yourself, do not do it without thorough research and knowledge. Take time to analyze and plan the strategy of complete marketing and technical aspects. In case you do not have enough time for the same, better to hire a dedicated SEO expert or consulting services from a ethical SEO company that can effectively promote your site on search engines, while you can concentrate on other measures to manage and expand your business ....

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