Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How can an article?

The people make the mistake all the time. Only because it allows articles to article directories 5000 words does not mean you should write long articles. In my opinion, is one of the biggest mistakes you can do in article writing and marketing. E 'can actually backfire and hurt you.

Do not get me wrong. Long articles certainly have their own place and use, but for article marketing and syndication, are less effective for several reasons.

1. Quantity mattersIf to write long articles, you spend a lot of time building a fishing line. you should concentrate on writing more articles and get more fishing lines that work for you.

Although quality is important, is finding the right balance between quality and quantity for article marketing. I suggest you focus on one idea at a time. Give and give good information quickly.

2. LimitationPeople time are now having short attention span, especially on the Internet. If you want to convey your message, you should hurry. Spread several subtopics in several articles and let the readers choose what they want and get them quickly.

This agrees with the above principle. Appreciate the reader's time. They hate to read 1000 words just to get a nibble. Do not hide information in depth in this article. Using bullets or as in this article may help you get the content easier.

3. Article EffectivenessYour long may be of high quality, but one or a few articles, will not help you get enough players that can turn into the site visitors and prospects or customers.

By splitting one long articles into two or more articles, you establish more points to get back to you. Article marketing is effective if it reaches a lot of readers.

Again, not that you should write crappy articles. Far from it, you also want to provide good content, but do it properly. Give just enough to make readers want to know more. Invite them to get much more from your site in the resource box. Do this several times instead of giving everything you have in an article .......

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